Fish keeping sux!!!!!!!!!!&#33


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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:byebye: Well, thanks to everyone who tried to help me...but my angel fish after trying to hold on for 2 weeks is finally deceased. I asked everyone what was wrong, and though some good ideas were brought forward, it was no use. For anyone who doesn't know: I had two black skirt tetras in with my 2 angels. One got sick and died one day for no reason, every other fish was fine. Then the other one started to lose it's bottom feelers I thought because i continually crashed into the rocks at the bottom. It became sick and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then, I asked the guy at the LFS who tested my water, and he said she was being eaten(which I believe is a crock of garbage) and thats why she is stressed. One of my tetras is fat and he said its because she is eating the angel. I thought she was pregnant. I have never seen the tetras go after any fish. They are very peaceful. But now that the angel is dead, I think I'm most mad at the LFS guy who was SO SURE of himself. I don't know what the angel had, but the other fish are ok....why are they so delicate?

Death tally:
lost 1 irridescent shark
1 silver ctafish shark
1 ghost shrimp
1 cory catfish
2 angel fish
1 glass tetra

fish keeping isn't's stressful! :crazy: :hyper:
Hunny don't give up. Maybe try another kind of fish?

What exactly were your water test readings? Also how long has the tank been set up and was it cycled?

I've said it before and no doubt I'll say it again, the trick to fishkeeping is patience. It is such a rewarding hobby when things work out OK.

Chin up, let us know what your readings are as I believe that Angels are quite sensitive to water conditions so maybe that was why you have had no success with them.

*group hug*

I don't know my water readings, I take the water down to the fish store to test it. He told me the water was perfectly fine, and it wasn't the problem with my angel. I know the PH is 7.8, and I told him that angels are comfortable in 6.8, but he assured me that the angels are great in 7.8. He then told me the tetras were eating her...but they couldn't be.
well I think your lfs WAS right. Black Skirt tetras are TERRIBLE angelfish tank mates.

No matter how peacefull they are to other fish long finned fish are going to get nipped. Especially if they are not kept in groups of 6 the tetras will go nipping crazy.
7.8 is fine for angels. Mine breed in that, no problem. As long as the ph remains consistent, they are quite adaptable. Frequent water changes are all they need.

I'm surprised your lfs didn't suggest a divider to seperate the angels from the black skirts. This would have eliminated any questions as to nipping or not.

Don't be discouraged, we all have setbacks, no matter how experienced. An older gentleman in my fish club has been keeping fish since the '60's, breeding discus for 20 years. He had a viral outbreak from some imports 2 years ago, wiped out dozens of tanks, hundreds of discus. His breeding program is finally starting to get rolling again. Chalk it up to a learning experience, he did.

Fish keeping is a wonderfly rewarding experiance. Pleae don't give up. believe your LFS employee was right though, this is pretty common in community tanks with species that don't mix well. Maybe try again with some gentler fish, like guppies or swordtails, and ask your LFS for more information. Please don't give up, it's only a mistake if you do it twice. If you still want to keep angel fish, consider rehoming your other fish and finding more suitable tankmates.
You can go through some rough stages in the beginning, but as you get more experienced it can be rewarding, so hang in there.
I am so sorry about your angels. :-( I don't think you should give up though. I would either try different fish or, if you want angels get another tank.
fishfight said:
He then told me the tetras were eating her...but they couldn't be.
Just out of curiosity, why couldn't they be? It's very likely. Those guys nip fins like theres no tomorrow. Maybe sometimes you'll get lucky and some will get along, but it is risky to try.
I once had a huge mysterious fungus outbreak in my 55, it almost killed all my fish (15+ fish!). And I had a big ich breakout in my 29, and my clown loaches died. I was so mad at myself. But now I will always quarantine!!
So don't give up, we're all here to help you get through this. :D :thumbs: :)
Well, the black skirts never once even entered the same area of the tank as the angels. The white one was the only one with the bottom feelers missing. The other angel was completely fine until one day he up and surprise! died! The white angel which was supposedly being eaten only had the bottom feelers missing, and none of her other fins. The big fins on her back, on her tail...completely fine. The bottom feelers were missing because she crashed into the rocks on the bottom 50 times a day.
try buying from another LFS. And get your water tested yourself or by the new lfs.
Some fish stores stock come in sick,or arnt looked after properly when they arrive.

All i can say is goodluck and dont give up. Seasoned fish keepers lose fish. I know i have! After nearly 5 years in the game ive recenlty lost 2 BN plecs, and a gourami.
If you're really serious about fish keeping you definatly need the facility to test your own water as and when you need and as a matter of routine maintainence. Keeping a log of water stats can also help greatly to detect subtle changes over time. This isn't a criticism, but really consider buying a test kit or seperates, whichever may be cheaper. Think of it as an essential, not an optional extra. You wouldn't jump in the bath without testing the water temperature first would you?
I've been keeping fish all my life and I'm so glad I didn't give up for any length of time because when you get it right....its all worth it. I would up on some things and learn how to test your own water. If you have an established tank that means maybe a nitrate test kit at the least. I generally don't worry about ph unless its a notoriously difficult fish to keep....and you'll know before you have one of those....hopefully.

Your tetras could be eating at the angels at night or can be very sneaky like that. If I were you I would get rid of any known fin nippers and get some more peaceful fish....and you know what? I'd get MORE angels. ;)

You live and learn, then you move on and be better. ;) :thumbs:


Keeping fish is really fun, once you get the hang of it. I think you should try some other fish, I'd recommend live-bearers for a beginner.

Another important thing is that you must first research about the fish you're gonna buy.

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