What goes well with angels?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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:crazy: Can anyone tell me what other fish to get. I have an angel, a silver catfish shark, a PLECO, and 3 ghost shrimp. I'm getting rid of my tetras because they aparently don't get along with angels. What can I get? Can I get another silver shark? Will the two sharks fight? What other calm fish are around?
Personally I would not put sharks with angels...... :no:

But this is just me. Angels deserve a nice planted quiet tank. What type of tetras do you have?

Angels do well with:

Cory catfish
Rummy Nose tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Neon Tetras if they are not to small
Blue Rams or Bolivian Rams
Betta Male ( 1 )

These are the things that should be with Angelfish in my opinion

I honestly don't know anything about the Silver Catfish Shark or the Ghost Shrimp. But they would not be something I would put in my tank.

Lots of live plants, a piece of nice driftwood and the above mentioned fish make an absolute stunning display.

By the way, what size of tank do you have? Maybe another Angel in there too if it is big enough.

bugsy..... :)
Oops just seen it is a 30 gal. Get another angel if you like and a nice school of rummy nose tetras....... :hey:

But first get opinions on the shark and the shrimp before adding anything else.

I had three skirted tetras but they were eating my angel. I was told by the lfs that tetras cant be kept with angels because they eat fins. Any other ideas but tetras? Oh, and the shark and the shrimp leave the angel alone. They all live peacefully with thepleco. :D
As far as I know, Tetras aren't generally fin-nippers, but I've never had skirted Tetras and maybe they're different from Neons, Glo-Lites, and the like. Tiger Barbs and Danios tend to be a bit nippier.

Neons are Angel food in the wild. I would assume that Angels don't see much, if any, difference between Neons and Cardinals, but I don't know that for certain. Some Angels will leave Neons alone, though. I guess it's just a trial-and-error type thing.

Don't know much about Silver Sharks...

I'd be cautious about putting a Betta in with an Angel.

Sorry, bugsy, I'm not trying to shoot down everything you say :( Just giving my opinions....

Depending upon what kind of Pleco you have, he may get too big for your tank. Common Plecos (and many other Plecos) can grow to be well over a foot long!

Corys and Rams are both great little fish, as are Loaches. Kuhli and YoYo Loaches are both okay for a 30 gallon. There are probably other loaches that are, as well, but I'm not sure which ones.

Guppies, Platys, and Swordtails should all do okay with Angels, as should Rasboras.

The possibilities are nearly endless! :)

aka Married Lizard :wub:
ok here is the stock list of my tank with 3 angels in it

glowlight tetras, firehead(aka rummynose) tetra, black neon tetra
buenos aries tetra, corydoras aneus(albino)

Ok, first, to lizard, I think the pleco will be ok in my tank. It's about 3 feet long and a foot and a half across. Second I noticed that the person with the three angels have tetras in their tank! I don't get it. I purposely didn't get tiger barbs, and those kind of fish because I didn't want fin nippers. But the guy at the LFS said the only reason why my angels long bottom feelers were gone was because they were being eaten. Then he looked at my fat fat tetra which I thought was pregnant, and said she was eating them. Could he be wrong? Could the feelers have fallen off because the angel was rubbing against the bottom of the tank? Could the tetra really be pregnant? I'm confused. Who do I believe?
how tall a tank is it? the bottom feelers could have just been worn off by constant contact with the substrate--a definite possibility if you have a short tank and rough gravel.

not all tetras are nippy. if its got short fins and an upturned mouth, i'd think it'd be reasonable to assume a fin-safe fish (no evolutionary benefits to fin-nipping.)
OK... Silver shark catfish? As far as I know, anything with a name similar to that gets huge. I'm also not sure if thats just a tad too small widthways for a full grown pleco (which I assume is common)
Hi, I don't feel as though my suggestions are being shot down at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion...... :nod:

I did read last night in my angelfish book that Diamond Tetras are not good with angels due to their nature of being nippy.

I think if you stick with the ones mentioned:

Rummy Nose Tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Neon Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Glow Light Tetras

You will have a nice peaceful display tank for your angels. Black Skirts I know from experience are nippy. I have even had some of the livebearing fish nip at my angels fins. I choose not to keep them anymore.

As for the pleco, they do get big and unruly. When mine gets to 5" I take him into the LFS and trade for a small one again. If you let them get anybigger than that they just cause problems.

Good Luck...... :D
First of all thanks for the responses, I truely appreciate it. Second, I think your all right about the tetras not hurting the angel. She is on her side and always rubbing against the bottom. I think she's sick. The lfs guy said the tetra was eating her, but IVE NEVER SEEN THEM do anything mean to any fish! I don't know what to do. Do I go with the lfs guy? Is the tetra eating the angel...or is she really pregnant? How do I know if shes pregnant?

And to reassure everyone, it's a really big tank, it'll hold a pleco, and a silver shark which get to be big, your right. But what do I do about the fat tetra and the sickly angel? :dunno:

There has to be an angel expert out there. She is turning on her side, and almost getting stuck to the filter...she seems very weak. She swims to the top then crashes to the bottom. She'll lay at the bottom for a while(whichis why i think her bottom feelers are broken off and not because of the tetras) and then she'll flip in circles...virus?

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