Sick pleco~fleshy bump


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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My common pleco has a flesh colored lump on his back in front of his dorsal fin. It JUST appeared there overnight, and I have no clue what it is, or how to treat it. I can't lose another one, help! :sad:
Can you post recent ammonia, nitrate and nitite water stats please?
What other fish is your plec currently with and can you describe his affected area in any more detail i.e size of lump and size of plec, red and swollen looking or same color as fish's skin etc?
I don't have the ability to test my water, but He's with a "golden shark" (I have no idea what it is) a worm loach~We JUST bought these two yesterday at Petsmart which was a gamble because every fish from there has infections or dies. We bought these fish yesterday and this growth happens today, you think it's related?

The other fish in the tank are 3 angels, 2 black skirt tetras, a silver shark, and 1 shrimp. We had 2, but we found one dead a minute ago.

We did a water change, 50%, and the bump is raised and peach colored. It's circular, and on his back. :no:
Im curious as to what is your tank size as if it is overstocked you are mostly likely to have ammonia problems and can burn fish in a sense- i strongly advise you buy a test kit/s that test for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite at your lfs or off and this will help rule this situation out and also help you maintain the right water quality for your fish; you cannot truly say your water is good until you have tested it and this is vital type of info to know.
On the other hand im also worried as to your "golden shark", does he look anything like these fish- especially the golden variety;


Also does th lump look anything like these;

Also are you aware that your silver shark will grow to 13inchs+?
We have a 55 gallon, and yes I'm aware of the shark. No, the golden shark is not a chinese algae eater, or whatever that pic was. It's a top swimmer, and looks like a minnow. No one can tell us what it is. The lump doesn't look like the pics either, sorry. It's one flesh colored pimple almost. One raised lump.

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