Silver sharks

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Dawney G

Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2005
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Hi, I have just purchased a silver shark, and he is very jumpy. The owner befor me said he has always been like that. He is currently in a 16gallon tank and seems like he wants to just get out! Is my tank too small? or is this normal behaviour for a sliver shark??
please help
dawney :sad:
Silver sharks like to be kept in groups and this makes them more happy and less jumpy. They grow VERY big and need lots of space to swim around in - how big is yours? - when it is bigger it will need a MUCH bigger tank. Silver sharks are active - they are a type of barb.
Yup! Silver sharks recquoire alot of room to live. And im afraid to say a 16gallon tank isnt enough. :/ But maybe, if you can take him back to the lfs and recieve some store credit for him, you could stock your tank with another species! :)

Heres this forums fish file on bala sharks, created by CFC!

OK, Thanks for your help. It looks like I have a bit of a problem then. I will look at taking her to a shop or giving her to someone who has a bigger tank than me. (or maybe a pond).She actually came from a bloke who sold me his tank along with loads of other fish. His tank was a 10gallon one.
I really feel sorry for this little gal now, I thought she would be ok in my tank as it was bigger than the one she was in befor. And she is all alone. :-(
I think silver sharks need somwhere around at least a 50gal tank, but i could be wrong.
What fish is your shark with and how big is he currently?
Due to their jumpiness and desire to swim I wouldn't keep them in anything less than a 6 foot tank (especially as they are a schooling species).

However some (such as mine) stay jumpy even when in a larger tank and with others. Come water change or algae clean time he flies from end to end and tries to jump out.

Still, at least you've found this out before it's too late and the fish is stunted.

Best of luck re-homing (are you sure you don't have room for a big tank... ;) )
Just for the record, a silver shark isn't a Bala shark. I don't know if you guys are just trying to give info on shark species or if you think the silver shark(who has catfish whiskers) is actually a bala shark. I actually have only one silver shark and he's very happy on his own with a pleco, 3 angels, a peacock eel, 2 tetras, a yoyo loach, and 2 ghost shrimp. He's happy as could be. I'm sure they are grouping fish, but they are quite capable of living on their own. My tank is 30 gallons though. Also they are brakish fish. So if you can't upgrade your tank, or add salt, then you might need to find her a new home.
fishfight said:
Just for the record, a silver shark isn't a Bala shark.
I think you'll find that Balantiocheilos melanopterus are called
sliver sharks, black tipped silver sharks,Bala sharkminnow, Bala sharks,
Tricolor sharkminnow and tri-colour sharks

there is another species Osteochilus hasseltii that is sometimes called
a silver shark even though it is not silver. the most common UK name is
Nilem carp and in the USA is is called Silver sharkminnow

either way both are very huge fish that need lots of room.
Wilder, the guy ended up with a problem not entirely of his own making (he bought the fish as a complete set up second hand in a 10 gallon tank!), and is now doing something about it - he already said he'd look to give it away now as he knew the size/ other requirments. You're being scary!!! :hyper: :eek:
i had a silver shark to and it grew big and this guy was absolutely nuts, he constantly jumped out of my tank i had him in a 29 gallon first then the tank for some reason decided to blow up so i had to keep it in a smaller tank. he grew to be like ten inches long then died, i was sooooooooo sad its my favorite fish.but anyways i got a new one and he's not anywhere as speaking from experience and im not reading off some website like what most others do.
viperhottie5 said:
i had a silver shark to and it grew big and this guy was absolutely nuts, he constantly jumped out of my tank i had him in a 29 gallon first then the tank for some reason decided to blow up so i had to keep it in a smaller tank. he grew to be like ten inches long then died, i was sooooooooo sad its my favorite fish.but anyways i got a new one and he's not anywhere as speaking from experience and im not reading off some website like what most others do.
it died because you killed it by puttting it in such a small tank! Shame on you! And you buy a new one??? For Shame, shame, shame, shame!
Actually i think it died from the trauma it suffered after the tank broke because rocks, plants and stuff fell on it. it was a little beat up. besides it was old as well so you didnt have to be jerk and tell me shame on myself when stuff like this happens all the time. :angry:
but it doesnt happen all the time. did you think though maybe the fish nocked it over him self moving to much? Or jumping etc?
Silver sharks will go crazy so to speak in tanks too small for them and will swim around knocking over ornements and the such like, which is probably why the tank broke. Keeping any large fish in a tank too small for them will also stunt their growth which is not fair and is cruel on the fish.
You also stated that he constantly jumped out of the tank so why didn't you adequetely cover the tank after he first jumped out to prevent him from doing so again?
You obviously let this go on for some time which is very irresponsable and i feel sorry for your new shark :/ .
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