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  1. P

    New Tank

    its all gone clear now - yipee did my first readings: ph 6 nitrate 5 nitrite 0.1 ammonia 0
  2. P

    Huge Huntsman Trying To Get My Fish!

    screw that I am NEVER going to aus, i get scared of a 1cm spider never mind that thing!
  3. P

    New Tank

    yeah i gave it a slight clean under the tap in the buket, nothing to vigurous
  4. P

    New Tank

    I have setup my new tank, somewhat smaller than my 70 litre - a 30 litre, only got it due to the fact my mate gave it to me and it had a light - my old tank didnt. I have put sand into the tank, aft i was 3/4 full of water, and its taken about 4 hours to get kinda clear, how long doe it...
  5. P

    Sick Harleyquin

    nope it got better before it gave me chance the ungratefull little fishy!
  6. P

    Sick Harleyquin

    well it seems to have a little bit of colour back today nd is eating, its belly looks a little better today, could it be recovering?
  7. P

    Power Outages

    I usually put a pillow or blanket arund the tank, if its going to be more than a 167 hour period I would consider moving the fish to a friends house in a new (clean) container that can withstand the water temps from the heater etc. You may loose fish but better than losing everything
  8. P

    Sick Harleyquin

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 30 (tap=40) pH 7.6 ish (closest ) I have a 35 litre tank with 8 harleys (inc the sick one) 2 guppies 2 corys Constant air stone running temp is 28 water is clear as a bell the fish doesnt eat, the rest do, no damage visable to fish just looks depressed! I...
  9. P

    Been Given An Old Tank

    bill thanks, would you use normal table salt? I have some Aqualibrium salt here
  10. P

    Been Given An Old Tank

    Hey all, I have been given an old tank from a friend, he is moving house and the tank has been collecting water outside for a few months. I have a few concerns! 1 - The tank has been outside in the cold, we havent had a lot of ice but we have had some, whats the likely hood of damage and how...
  11. P

    Sick Harleyquin

    Hey all, I have a sick Harley. Its not eating and swimming at a 45 degree angle with its head up. Its shying away from the rest of the shoal of Harleys, fins clased to its side, muth going like the clappers. It doesnt appear to have a nice belly either - as if its lost loads of weight, any...
  12. P

    Fish Injured?

    did you cycle the tank?
  13. P

    Sick Platy

    Woke up this morning and checked the fish, saw that one was hanging back, - they all normally rush up to the glass to see me (aka get fed), the one that was hanging back has a very swollen eye. I tried to get a picture she she is hiding away from me, even at feeding shes not too bothered but...
  14. P

    Need To Return Fish

    also use gloves with the food forgot tht one)
  15. P

    Need To Return Fish

    sounds stupid but try these - one at a time in no particular order - but first and foremost - hoover, yes hoover your bed. take all the covers off hoover it 3 times, leaving 30 mins betwen each hoovering, put new clean bed linen on. (also try another linen cleaner). do it in the am, allow the...
  16. P

    Why Is It?

    when its time for me to get up in the am, my corys start jumping and the others all start to follow suit. once I turn the light on/get out of bed, ll the fish fight for the position at the corner nearest the bed, as they know I will get up and give them the brekkie, no matter what time of day...
  17. P

    Platy Birth

    i cant put the small tank in as that tank is in use as my sisters "sea monkey" aquarium. (Yes i am saying to her they will go down well in my main tank) tbh I dont want any young but my dad does. He is setting up a tank for them as i type this. I have a small plastic tank I have flosted in the...
  18. P

    Dieing Tetras

    nothing at all here guys all the other fish seem fine, i suspect its the food, its some cheap tropical stuff mum got me from the loca green grocers, i suspect its the cause. will the fish however be ok until saturday until i can get some food?
  19. P

    Dieing Tetras

    well its at 30 now according to the digitemp gauage so a ball park is 27 so i am knocking it down to the nex level will they be ok until saturday without food?
  20. P

    Dieing Tetras

    ts littterally they all look fine bt di after eating. nothing untoward on the dead fush, nothing, maybe my eater is faulty, gunna go to the chemist and buy a digital term now and see what the real temp is
  21. P

    What Cory 2 Get

    i had three peppered and they where dead happy and ruled the tank!
  22. P

    Dieing Tetras

    Its dead
  23. P

    Dieing Tetras

    about a month. I think this ones dead, its trying to swim but not getting anywhere, should i envoke the power of god and kill it? ph 7.2 ammonia 0 nitrate 10 nitrite 0 water changes 1/3 every 10 days - 6 no make it 5 tetras 2 corys
  24. P

    Dieing Tetras

    dead on 24
  25. P

    Platy Birth

    I bought 4 platies yesterday from my local lfs I got home, floated them added them etc etc all very happy. Just went to feed them I am have 14 babies ----- -erm help?
  26. P

    Dieing Tetras

    I am slowly but surely loosing all of my tetras, they are apparently "albino" tetras. They all seem ok, but after a feed, one of them dies. this doesnt matter if it is flake or live food. ll my other fishes are fine and happy, and as I type this I am seeing another one die.its at the top of...
  27. P

    Tetra Has Funny Eyes

    looks 100% ok, expect for its a different colour, no signs of anything wrong with him, he seems to be the bully of the pack after watching him for a while! he seems happy enough nothing untoward showing edit - the eyes themselves are red, no signs of bleeding
  28. P

    Id For Tetra

    heres the best I can do sorry its a bad photo
  29. P

    Id For Tetra

    I have been sold 10 tetras, i was told they were albino tetras but looking on the net they arent the same fish The fish have a red tail, starting from halfway along the body, but only covering the lower half of the body, they have a very very thin blue stripe that runs almost to the tail. the...
  30. P

    Tetra Has Funny Eyes

    I have bought myself a small shoal of "albino" tetras. All but one is okay the one in question has red eyes and just follows the rest of the shoal around at the back, and keeps bumping into things. I cant get a photo as they are tooooo small and fast for me to take a photo. It seems happy...
  31. P

    Zebra Danio Keeps Spinning And Doesn't Go For Food (update:dead)

    get the fish in a net and look at it very closely see if the gills are moving at atll, if not remove the fish ASAP. hopefully someone will be able to advise you as to whats happend. How are the rest of the fish in the tank? any small "dots" or strange flicking or anything out of the norm?
  32. P

    Lastest Tank Readings

    I got some fish yesterday, left them in the dark all night and even slept downstairs! I got 10 albino tetras. I am gunna leave them to settle in and feed them later on today, and basically let them settle in for a few weeks before getting my corys
  33. P

    Lastest Tank Readings

    well I was gunna go get some fishes tonight but the garden centre has got blown away
  34. P

    Lastest Tank Readings

    Gunna take the afternoon off work tomorrow, failing that it will be saturday. what would be good to start with? i like smal tiny whiny fiiiish
  35. P

    Lastest Tank Readings

    heres the latest: ph 7.2 ammonia 0 nitrate 10 nitrite 0
  36. P

    Lastest Tank Readings

    latest readings ph 7 ammonia 0 nitrite .5 nitrate 10 how do i get the nitrite down then? am i right in saying its high?
  37. P

    Lastest Tank Readings

    heres my latest: ph - 7.2 Nitrate - 10pmm Nitrite - .5 Ammonia - less than 0.25 but slighty above 0 looks like the spikes have started - but i have just added some plants on saturday and some rocks I take it these may be to blame?
  38. P


    i like little shoaling thingys
  39. P


    okay you have a 35 litre tank what would you put in it!???
  40. P

    Lastest Tank Readings

    its a "Freshwater Master Test Kit" by aquarium pharaceticals uk