Tetra Has Funny Eyes


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
st.helens, merseyside england
I have bought myself a small shoal of "albino" tetras.

All but one is okay

the one in question has red eyes and just follows the rest of the shoal around at the back, and keeps bumping into things.

I cant get a photo as they are tooooo small and fast for me to take a photo.

It seems happy enough, and is eating fine.

is it anything to worry about?
Is it red or bleeding of the eye inside.
Is the eye sunken in or bulging out.
He's not good can you issolate the fish.
looks 100% ok, expect for its a different colour, no signs of anything wrong with him, he seems to be the bully of the pack after watching him for a while! he seems happy enough nothing untoward showing

edit - the eyes themselves are red, no signs of bleeding
Might just be a deformatity, just keep an eye on him.

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