Lastest Tank Readings

Shouldn't be too long now. I'd double check your nitrate as it's unusual to have a reading of 0. Ammonia and nitrite should have a reading of 0.
What test kit are you using??

It's unusual for your Nitrate to be 0 it should be higher than this
Re test the nitrates. Your arm should be tired after shaking bottle 2 for 30 sec and the completed mixture for 1 min.
Re test the nitrates. Your arm should be tired after shaking bottle 2 for 30 sec and the completed mixture for 1 min.

LOL I dunno about his, but mine certainly is! (Nah not really, but 1 min seems like an awfully long time!)
yeah ifyour starting to get readings for nitrite then your doing well, pretty soon the ammonia will go to 0, the you;ll get a bit more nitrite than you have now, when that drops down your all done :good:
heres my latest:

ph - 7.2
Nitrate - 10pmm
Nitrite - .5
Ammonia - less than 0.25 but slighty above 0

looks like the spikes have started - but i have just added some plants on saturday and some rocks I take it these may be to blame?
just bear with it, a lot of people seem to have problems towards the end of the nitrite spike, i think a lot of it is impatience though, you're really close to being done so it makes it feel like it's being dragged out!!
me thinks ure about done there !!!

after ammonia spike >> nitrIte spike >> then nitrAte >>> CYCLED >>

with NO3 being only 10 - dont do a big water change

You will need to get your fishes in asap or your bacteria will die off, i sprinkled some fish food in mine just to keep the bacteria right unitl you get your fish, seems to take forever dosnt it! :good:
You will need to get your fishes in asap or your bacteria will die off, i sprinkled some fish food in mine just to keep the bacteria right unitl you get your fish, seems to take forever dosnt it! :good:

Gunna take the afternoon off work tomorrow, failing that it will be saturday. what would be good to start with?
i like smal tiny whiny fiiiish

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