Sick Harleyquin


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
st.helens, merseyside england
Hey all,
I have a sick Harley. Its not eating and swimming at a 45 degree angle with its head up. Its shying away from the rest of the shoal of Harleys, fins clased to its side, muth going like the clappers.

It doesnt appear to have a nice belly either - as if its lost loads of weight, any ideaS?

Addtional - Its using its whole body to swim around whereas the others just use the tail
We need a bit more information. A photo is always helpful. How big is the tank and what's in it? Have you got water parameters? (temperature, pH, frequency/amount of water changes, ammonia nitrite nitrate)

Is there any damage to the fish's fins? How long has it been doing this? Will it eat?
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Has the fish lost weight due to not eating.
Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 30 (tap=40)

pH 7.6 ish (closest )

I have a 35 litre tank with

8 harleys (inc the sick one)
2 guppies
2 corys

Constant air stone running temp is 28 water is clear as a bell

the fish doesnt eat, the rest do, no damage visable to fish just looks depressed!

I will try and get a photo tomorrow. it will eat small crushed flake but only up at one corner (opp corner to the filter) and it seems to like resting on the top of the filter.

I try and change a pint of water every other day with pre treated water at tank temp (I have another heater i use just for this)

Its been noticed as away from the shoal for two weeks and getting more and more "not bothered" with swimming if you understand what I mean

I am guessing it maybe old age (approx 2 years i have had it fully grown)
The fish sounds bad to be honest I would end its misery.
Is the fish tail standing in the water, as though is swimming on its tail as that can be swim bladder.
Losing lots of weight when still eating can be external parasites to internal parasites.

Does the fish look pale or darker in colour.
Being listless and lethagic and not eating, all point to a bacterial infection.
I lost two platies, essentially the same symptoms, one died after my best efforts to save it and I put the second one down. Everybody said bacterial infection.
Have you added a med.
Hope he carry on improving.
Glad he's on the mend.

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