Dieing Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
st.helens, merseyside england
I am slowly but surely loosing all of my tetras, they are apparently "albino" tetras. They all seem ok, but after a feed, one of them dies. this doesnt matter if it is flake or live food.

ll my other fishes are fine and happy, and as I type this I am seeing another one die.its at the top of the tank and just riding the current.

I cant put it into anoher tank as I have some fish in quarentine.

ll tank stats are spot on, but i cant get to a fish shop until the weekend. any ideas greatly taken????
what is ur temp? because tetras can die easily at 30 degress. 22 -24 is what i keep mine at.
is u how good is ur water quality?
how often do u change it?
how many fish do u have?
sorry i dont know what it could be. the water quality sounds good. well its a 7 gallon tank right, so roughly gallon each fish, i change my water every 4 days 1/3.(because i have mollys)

but urs seems good. maybe have a look and c if they have a disease.


maybe it shows some of the symtoms ur fish could have

ts littterally they all look fine bt di after eating. nothing untoward on the dead fush, nothing, maybe my eater is faulty, gunna go to the chemist and buy a digital term now and see what the real temp is
it must be the food.

maybe u should not feed them until u go to the fish shop or chemist

Good luck
I had a series of mysterious deaths, especially in neon tetras for a while. It appeared to be kicked off when i added my first apisto's, and made worse when i added some platy's thet brought some whitespot with them. Ulktimately, what stopped the rot was a dose of interpet 9 anti internal bacteria med, haven't had a death in the tank since that i didn't know the reason.

On the temp side, i wouldn't take what the temp the heater says it's at as gospel. Always use a heaterh along with a good thermometer. Even just a stock on strip one's better than nothing. Then adjust the heater till you get the correct temp on the thermometer.
well its at 30 now according to the digitemp gauage so a ball park is 27 so i am knocking it down to the nex level

will they be ok until saturday without food?
Check the gills to see if there pale with excess mucas on them, or red and inflamed.
Fish with flukes will sometimes swim in a jerky movement.
Anys signs of laboured breathing, or flicking and rubbing on objects.
try and slowly bring the temp down to 21-24 i would say. but check on what wilder said because he knows alot about fish.

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