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    When Can I Add New Fish After Getting Rid Of Ich

    ive just had the same prob m8...but i got ich with secondry infection of finrot....i cleaned my tank completley ran it for 14 days then added the fish , 2 every 5 days till all were back in . i still have a hospital tank set up and hve just bought some new fish...they will stay in the hospital...
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    How Long Is Reasonable To Quarantine New Fish ?

    hi guys..had a massive loss due to severe case of whitespot and secondry infection of finrot...all sorted now...diseases eradicated and remaining fish fine....main 180 litre tank cleaned and re-setup but no fish added as yet...all stats in water are good and levels of nitrate nitrite amonia and...
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    Small Emergency.. Ich In A Still Cycling Tank.

    i too am having an ich or whitespot out break...its killed my 3 clown loaches (which i had quarantined as they were covered badly in whit spots) red tailed black shark is looking poorly and ive been trating the tank with waterlife protozin....ive raised the temp from 76 to 82 i did a...
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    anyone having probs with nitrate & nitrite ?

    the tank has been up n running for 6 weeks. i asked on here about the nitrate prob and the general opinion was do water changes daily. as for the new product, its not a chemical , someone else who dosnt read properly ! its totally organic. im happy with it , my fish are fine and the levels have...
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    anyone having probs with nitrate & nitrite ?

    yes i have tested for ammonia and its 0 as it was before i added the new stuff. the ph is fine too 7.0 . :)
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    anyone having probs with nitrate & nitrite ?

    high nitrates are bad for your fish , this product is completley organic and harmless to your fish and you cannot overdose with it . yes the link is the right one. proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. believe me this product is the bees knees. it lowered my nitrates and nitrites...
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    anyone having probs with nitrate & nitrite ?

    hi guys , i have been having probs with nitrate & nitrite levels readings 80 & 1. i was doin water changes (25%) every other day and it wasnt comming down much . a friend told be about a product completley chemical free and in 2 days my levels are spot on honestly. im not accociated with the...
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    water quality problems

    cheers. guess i must keep up the water changes till the levels drop to acceptable levels. thanks very much for your help. billy :)
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    water quality problems

    just did a tap water test , its 0
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    water quality problems

    so in time the nirite and nitrate levels will come down if i keep doing the water changes ? and as the tank matures? would i nitrate treatment be any good (tetra aqua easy balance )or should i steer clear of chemicals, it does say its harmless to fish !
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    water quality problems

    hi , thanks for your help . 1st question : did the water change today should i do another tomorrow ? and daily till the levels drop to 20 or below ? 2nd question : will these levels harm my fish? and 3rd question : would a full water change make make sense ? thankyou :rolleyes:
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    water test readings can anyone help

    hi , did some water tests on my 4 week old tank. the ph was 7.4 the amonia was 0 but the nitrate was 80 and the niterite was 1.0 so i did a 50% water change and the nitrate n nitrite levels hardly altered ? any ideas why ?? i have a jewel vision 180 running 2 internal filters, one that came with...
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    mollie woes help needed

    hi guys , turns out it was fungus , took the male to my local tropical dealer who confirmed it. treating with protozin and they seem to be picking up a little. thanks for your help. :D
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    water quality problems

    hi , i did some water tests this morning and the results are as follow: ph -7.4 amonia - 0 nitrite - 0.7 nitrate - 80 i did a 50% waterchange and the reults were not much different , the nitrite stayed the same and the nitrate dropped to 50ish where am i going wrong or is this acceptable ...
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    mollie woes help needed

    by the way my tank is a jewel vision 180, running 2 internal filters, carbon removed !.
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    mollie woes help needed

    hi , i have 3 black mollies , thet have developed cotton wool like growths all over their bodys, one female has them over both eyes too, the eyes look cloudy and a bit like a bubble. in the same tank i have 1 peppered cat , 1 rtb shark , 1 koolie and 4 guppys, 2 swordtails . the guppys are fine...
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    how do i upload my pics ?

    thankyou for your help . :hyper:
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    plz help me

    hi , how long have they had swollen bellies ? have they had a big feed then developed the pop bellies ? best thing to do is keep an eye on them , get some reading material and read up on them too. if they were like that when you bought them then possibly but who can know for long have...
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    how do i upload my pics ?

    anyone tell me how i upload pics to this site ? plzzz. :blink: :blink:
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    black mollie babies

    i could get pics but how do i upload em ? im new on this site so not upto speed on these things. :-(
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    black mollie babies

    hi guys , she gave birth during the night ! babies are certainly black and ive managed to save 5 so far. they are in the breeding net now but will later be moved to my raising tank which has 8 guppy fry and 4 swordtail fry in already. thanks for your help. :D back to the watching now !! see if...
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    male black molly question

    well seeing how when i got up this morning the gravid female had given birth i guess his behaviour was down th the fact she was ready to drop. she had the babies thru the night and ive managed to save 5 so far, they got in the moss n other plants so i had better keep looking. the answer to my...
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    black mollie babies

    hi folks , another post to keep you upto date . i can confirm that black mollie babies are deffinatley black when born. i got up this morning and the female had given birth during the night. ive managed to save 5 so far and they are in my breeding net swimming and feeding quite happily. later...
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    black mollie babies

    thanks for your help, guess the best hing is to wait and see if she does give birth then i can post the results , if the babies are black or not. thanks for your help :D
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    black mollie babies

    hi , can anyone tell me seeing as how ive never kept black mollies before . when the babies are born , are they black or does the colour develop over time ? might sound silly but you never know unless you ask ! :*)
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    male black molly question

    hi , i have 3 balck mollies , 2 females and a male. one of the females appears to be expecting , shes quite rounded and plump, the other isnt showing any signs of being in the same condition. the thing is , they all got along very well but over the last 2 days the male has developed a yelowish...
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    cloudy water

    sorry i dont have a pic . but the water if you look from the bottom of the tank up to the surface it seems as tho there is a churning cloudiness in the tank sort of foggy, and if you look from one end to the other its opaque. the only test ive done is a ph test and that was 7.5. what tests...
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    cloudy water

    ps , i washed the gravel twice vigorously befor i filled the tank.
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    cloudy water

    hi , i hve just set up a new tank(a week old now) its a jewel vision 180(the 180 being how many litres it holds) i have gravel and plants and fish (list below) my water is a shade cloudy . ive used aqua clear twice which did help a little but not alot really. i have no u/g filter but i do have 2...
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    flying fox

    hi , i had one a few years ago , he absoulutley hated the sucking loach i had , they fought like crazy so he had to go (had the sucking loach for ages before ) i wouldnt have anothe loan one , keep them in groups of 5 or 6 if at all. :D
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    fellow enthusiast returning to hobby

    cheers , looked on that site but there dosnt seem to be any in this area. maybe i should start my own! i would if i didnt have to work and look after my 4 kids thanks for your time :rolleyes:
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    clubs in the northeast uk ?

    areas close to me are : middlesbrough , darlington , redcar, northallerton even durham. billy
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    clubs in the northeast uk ?

    no , rydale is nearer to scarborough which is aprox 60 miles away !
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    clubs in the northeast uk ?

    cheers mate , im just starting up after an abcense of 8 yrs . didnt realise how prices have gone up !! billy :blink:
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    clubs in the northeast uk ?

    im in stockton-on-tees cleveland. thanks for your time n effort ! :rolleyes:
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    fellow enthusiast returning to hobby

    hi , im in stockton -on-tees teeside , cleveland. thankyou for your efforts !! :rolleyes:
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    clubs in the northeast uk ?

    hi , anyone know where i can find a list or index of tropical fish clubs in the northeast uk ? thanks billy :sad:
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    fellow enthusiast returning to hobby

    thanks guys , good advice ! how do i find my local clubs , if there are any , cant say ive heard of any in this area ! :rolleyes:
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    fellow enthusiast returning to hobby

    hi , im a guy returning to the hobby after a long lay off ! any enthusiasts that can help with a few fish donations would be appreciated . im just looking for a few guppys or plattys to start me off again. i am willing to pay for transport. i live in the northeast uk. thanks for your time and...