black mollie babies

the returner

New Member
Mar 23, 2005
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hi , can anyone tell me seeing as how ive never kept black mollies before . when the babies are born , are they black or does the colour develop over time ? might sound silly but you never know unless you ask ! :*)
Depends on how far she is pregnant, they get really big towards the end, usually get moody and hide in plants before they give birth, only had platys fry they devolope there colour over time.
thanks for your help, guess the best hing is to wait and see if she does give birth then i can post the results , if the babies are black or not. thanks for your help :D
Good luck with the new arrivals they will be plenty coming your way.
the returner said:
thanks for your help, guess the best hing is to wait and see if she does give birth then i can post the results , if the babies are black or not. thanks for your help :D
Okay, great. I'm looking forward to hearing about your fry, and Best of luck with them! :thumbs:
hi guys , she gave birth during the night ! babies are certainly black and ive managed to save 5 so far. they are in the breeding net now but will later be moved to my raising tank which has 8 guppy fry and 4 swordtail fry in already. thanks for your help. :D back to the watching now !! see if anymore can be saved !!


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