male black molly question

the returner

New Member
Mar 23, 2005
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hi , i have 3 balck mollies , 2 females and a male. one of the females appears to be expecting , shes quite rounded and plump, the other isnt showing any signs of being in the same condition. the thing is , they all got along very well but over the last 2 days the male has developed a yelowish tinge to the top edge his dorsal fin and has become quite aggresive towards both females ! is this a sign he is in mating condition and the females are bearing the brunt of his amorous behaviour ? ive never kept mollies before so im a little puzzled. can anyone help ?

thanks in advance -_-
well seeing how when i got up this morning the gravid female had given birth i guess his behaviour was down th the fact she was ready to drop. she had the babies thru the night and ive managed to save 5 so far, they got in the moss n other plants so i had better keep looking. the answer to my other posting about wheather they are black when born......the answer is deffinatley YES. thanks for your help guys .the fry will be moved to my raising tank today which already has 8 guppy fry and 4 swordtail fry in it , they are around a week old . :kana:


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