anyone having probs with nitrate & nitrite ?

the returner

New Member
Mar 23, 2005
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hi guys , i have been having probs with nitrate & nitrite levels readings 80 & 1. i was doin water changes (25%) every other day and it wasnt comming down much . a friend told be about a product completley chemical free and in 2 days my levels are spot on honestly. im not accociated with the company in anyway at all , just thought i would pass my experiance on to you guys. the product is viresco aquarium the web address is . go have a look on their site it explains it all for you. i bought it from ebay and in 2 days i couldnt believe the results. bye for now. bill :D
Is this what you are talking about(the first product on the link?)

There is a similar discussion about a similar product further down on freshwater chit chat.

My knolege of bacterial cycles in tanks has never been good; i just know what is good and what is bad but my knolege on the whole process can be a little vague; surely by completly taking out the nitrate and nitrite you are stopping the bacterial cycle go through its process in some way i.e which is bad?

What were your water stats on average before hand and how long had your tank been set up for?
Somthing sounds like it was amiss if you were having to do water changes almost every day...
You should be able to maintain good and clear water quality with water changes and the odd scrub of the tank; nothing beats water changes and as far as my knolege goes, there isn't anything that can out do them on the market yet.
well, water changes and hornwort if you've got high nitrates in the tap. but you still can't exactly bottle those. well, you could, but you'd have to buy it by the gallon :p
Did I miss something or does this product state that it removes nitrAte only?

From my limited knowledge of the nitrogen cycle a steady and reasonably low level of nitrAte is good as this is the bacteria that eats nitrIte. The product does however state that it will digest organic waste matter, so I suppose that includes ammonia and therefore there will be no nitrIte.

Perhaps it works and is an emerging "next generation" technology. Let's not forget that there have been many scientific advancements in our hobby over the last couple of decades.

It would be good to see/hear about some case studies.
high nitrates are bad for your fish , this product is completley organic and harmless to your fish and you cannot overdose with it . yes the link is the right one. proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. believe me this product is the bees knees. it lowered my nitrates and nitrites in 2 days . reading before use was nitrate 80 nitrite 1 , reading after 2 days (1 application of the product) nitrate 10 nitrite 0.1 bill
Have you tested for ammonia? my concern is what this stuff does to your bacterial cycle in the long run...
Personally im all for new technology in fish keeping as long as its humane but i have found with these types of products, more than often they are too good to be true.
yes i have tested for ammonia and its 0 as it was before i added the new stuff. the ph is fine too 7.0 . :)
What are your tap nitrates, how long has the tank been set up, and when did you last rinse filter sponges.
I suppose as long as you keep up with this new stuff in your tank its not too bad i suppose, but it will destroy your bacterial cycle meaning that if you ever wanted to get off that stuff you would have to cycle your tank all over again.
Also it will be difficult to maintain the levels of the chemical in the water in the long run as every time you do a water change you will change the levels of the chemical in the water, meaning that either
a. you could have too little causing your tank to go through mini cycle, or
b. you could overdose on it and cause damge to your fish.

You failed to answer a question before, how long has your tank been set up for?
If it is new and was still cycling that would explain the ntrates and nitrites in your water; having to do almost daily water changes does sound worrying though and if you were cyling these were just prolonging the cycle while if the tank is mature somthing is very amiss in it and i have a feeling that this product is just covering up a problem in your tank and not solving it...
the tank has been up n running for 6 weeks. i asked on here about the nitrate prob and the general opinion was do water changes daily. as for the new product, its not a chemical , someone else who dosnt read properly ! its totally organic. im happy with it , my fish are fine and the levels have sorted themselves out. i suggest you visit the web site n check out the literature on there , it explains it all. :p
the returner said:
the tank has been up n running for 6 weeks. i asked on here about the nitrate prob and the general opinion was do water changes daily. as for the new product, its not a chemical , someone else who dosnt read properly ! its totally organic. im happy with it , my fish are fine and the levels have sorted themselves out. i suggest you visit the web site n check out the literature on there , it explains it all. :p
It said it was micro-organism NOT organic and i can't find any other mention or its ingredients or type of micro-organisms it holds so i don't think i am the one here who is not reading :whistle: .
For somone who is cycling a tank and started with with 12 or so fish on the first week, what you were experiencing with water quality was expected and i am sure im not the only one here who thinks that doing almost daily water changes for 4+weeks(correct me if im wrong) was prolonging the cycle.
But anyways, i said what i've got to say; im not having a go at you but i not like having controversal accusations made at me either.
How many fish and which type, how big is the tank, and what filter do you use.
the returner said:
high nitrates are bad for your fish , this product is completley organic and harmless to your fish and you cannot overdose with it . yes the link is the right one. proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. believe me this product is the bees knees. it lowered my nitrates and nitrites in 2 days . reading before use was nitrate 80 nitrite 1 , reading after 2 days (1 application of the product) nitrate 10 nitrite 0.1 bill
Good, well it sounds like it's working for you so far then. Keep us updated regularly. I would be interested in reading a case study for an extended period of time.
Wilder said:
How many fish and which type, how big is the tank, and what filter do you use.
The reason i ask is that you might have to many fish, or a big fish that shouldn't be in the tank, and your filter can't cope.

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