mollie woes help needed

the returner

New Member
Mar 23, 2005
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hi , i have 3 black mollies , thet have developed cotton wool like growths all over their bodys, one female has them over both eyes too, the eyes look cloudy and a bit like a bubble. in the same tank i have 1 peppered cat , 1 rtb shark , 1 koolie and 4 guppys, 2 swordtails . the guppys are fine , the shark & cat are fine but swordtails aint showing any symptoms other than being a bit sulky and hiding away a little. is it whitespot or lymphocystis ? im quite new to keeping tropicals so i need some help ! i have treated them for whitespot but im not 100% certain. also will the others catch it to? whats the best thing to do ? plz help :(
by the way my tank is a jewel vision 180, running 2 internal filters, carbon removed !.
;) easy one this, They have white spot or white fungi, This is a thing mollies pick up easily, But are the easiest to spot it on.
I use mollies as a monitor fish for this fungi.
Just get white velvet or white spot cure and bobs your uncle, But keep carbon out of media filter

Good luck B)
yea sounds like fungi
^ evil
mollies are tough critters though. I know, 'cause I have them and they're the type I kill most infrequenly! :p just kidding. Mine are tough, though.
hi guys , turns out it was fungus , took the male to my local tropical dealer who confirmed it. treating with protozin and they seem to be picking up a little. thanks for your help. :D

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