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  1. G

    a stand question

    These stands are designed to take the weight of a fully-laden tank, so should be fine to use. If placing a tank on a floor other than a solid concrete one, (i.e. one with floorboards), make sure that the tank is situated over the joists. But, if that's not possible, then place two pieces of...
  2. G

    What do you think so far!!

    It looks very well set out. It's not too, "symmetrical", in that you've not placed the plastic plants either side of the centre, making the scene of your tank look too artificial. I would suggest placing some floating plants, to hide the corners, as well as reduce the amount of algae-promoting...
  3. G

    Swordies and Platies

    I've kept Bronze Corys in my Guppy raising tanks, (as fish to clean-up after the youngsters), which has had some salt added to the water, and it seems fine. If you introduce the salt gradually, (say, over a few weeks), it won't be as much of a shock to the fish's system, and it may work.
  4. G

    Raising Guppy Fry

    Good advice. If you don't have a seperate tank to raise your young Guppies in, then it's better for them to be put in with your other fish. being 2 and a half week old, they should be strong enough and fast enough to be able to survive with larger fish, (provided there's plenty of plant cover...
  5. G

    Giving People Guppies

    I've had a similar thing happen to me, too. I helped a relative of mine set-up a community tank in their home. A nice, little 30 incher, which fitted into a space that was provided. I went with them to choose the fish they wanted, etc. and even gave them a few of my spare Guppies, and got...
  6. G

    You thought the Spongebob Tank was small

    Wouldn't it be cheaper just to keep it in the plastic bag that the betta came in, from the aquarium shop(!) :grr: Although betta don't require as much oxygenated water to be able to breathe, they do require space to be able to swim in, and these small containers, (you can't call they tanks)...
  7. G

    Aquarium backgrounds...

    I painted the back of my large display tank with blackboard paint. It looks quite good, too. If, at any time I decide to remove it, it's relatively easy to rub off, too.
  8. G

    Wooden airstone in a freshwater tank?

    I made the mistake of using a wooden airstone in a freshwater tank, a few years ago. They go black and rot away. Better to stick to the stone variety.
  9. G


    It all depends on how much space you have and how adventurous you want to get! Obviously, the bigger the tank, the better. Larger tanks are more stable and do not need as much maintenance as a smaller one. If you really want something different, (and are brave enough to try), you could...
  10. G

    Does it ever stop?

    Patience is the keyword, here. Fill the tank up, very slowly. Even if you use a length of airline to do it and it takes several hours, it may be worth it in the long run. And, if the water is a bit cloudy, remember that it takes a considerable amount of time for water to become truely clear...
  11. G

    Hatching baby brine shrimps guide

    I've used a similar device, myself, involving an up-turned drink bottle, (about 500ml size, or less), with a hole in the cap for the tube to fit into it. There would be a small hole made in the bottom of the bottle to allow the air to escape. The difference with mine was that I'd put the whole...
  12. G

    Newbie to this site, but not to fishkeeping!

    Don't worry, I learnt my lesson about the addition of salt to tank water a long time ago. ;) Thanks for the welcome. :D
  13. G

    Guppy laying eggs?

    Ive seen this happen before with mine. Sometimes, whilst giving birth, there will be the occasional egg which hasn't been fertilised that gets released because it's stuck in front of others which contain fully-grown fry. The Mother fish doesn't seem to be affected by this happening. Not...
  14. G

    adult guppy breeding with 3 month old guppy

    There's nothing to worry about. In my experience, guppies can breed from about a month old, onwards. They may become, "pregnant", but do not give birth until they're large enough to do so. 3 months old is quite old enough for a fish to give birth. Although, as has already be stated, she...
  15. G

    Please tell the gender

    If the two fish in the photos are the same ones, then the one at the top looks* female, whereas the other is definitely a male. *You can never tell for sure until she gives birth.
  16. G

    undregravel filter?

    I used to use an internal corner box filter, (those things with the polyester wool in them), in my fry-raising tank. But, discovered that an undergravel filter is fine, providing the airflow up the up-lift tube isn't too fast. Guppies in particular like slow-moving water and don't like...
  17. G

    Swordies and Platies

    In my own experience, a lot of livebearing fish seem to benefit from the addition of salt to the water. But, only to the point of making the water a little brackish. Mollies are more likely to breed and I've noticed that both Swordtails and Platies seem more vivacious when it's present in the...
  18. G

    Are mollys a good idea?

    Mollies do need salt. (Especially if you want for them to breed.) When I first started keeping them, I noticed that they very quickly developed white-spot, otherwise. The cause was due to stress caused from there not being any salt in the water. I would suggest adding tonic salt at...
  19. G

    very nasty mollie!

    From reading all of your posts on this thread, it seems to me that your tank may be too small, and the offending Mollie is being very territorial, (especially since she is gravid.) Adding more fish is probably the worst thing to have done. Either reduce the number of Mollies, (one of each...
  20. G

    Baby mollies

    Depending on the size of the mother, it's not uncommon for Mollies to have over 120 fry from one brood. You've done well to have as many as you've had. If you intend to raise them until they're large enough to sell on, then you really need to get a seperate tank to keep them in, as the net you...
  21. G


    All livebearing fishes tend to look like females for the few few months of their life, before the male starts developing it's modified anal fin. It's possible that the fish you bought may have looked female, but as they've aged, have been males all along! It's just unfortunate that you picked...
  22. G

    guppy fry dieing

    When you say that your Guppy fry are dying, do you mean that you can no longer see them, or that you can physically see that they've died? What size tank are they kept in? Are there any other fish in the tank with them? What plants and floating matter is there in the tank? What is it that...
  23. G

    Newbie to this site, but not to fishkeeping!

    Hello all, I've been meaning to get myself registered on this forum for some time, and decided that today was the day that I'd take the plunge. I've got over 16 years experience of keeping fish, (coldwater as well as freshwater tropicals), and have bred a few different types. Livebearers as...