Baby mollies


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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I knew one of my mollies were expecting so I put her into a beading net.

I woke up this morning to find the breading net full of babies.

I scooped up the babies and put them in another net.

While transferring them, I counted over 100 babies. I thought mollies layed about 30 babies?.

I am hoping my local LFS will buy 90% off me, if not I will have to give them away.

I just can't believe how many I have. Never seen so many before.

At the moment, I am at just watching a guppy give birth. How many should I expect?. So far 7 have come out.


awww. :wub: wish I had another tank, I'd take your fry. Also, I live in Canada so that wouldn't work :)

Don't know how many fry your guppy will have. Has she had fry before? I think that younger females have less fry at first.
Depending on the size of the mother, it's not uncommon for Mollies to have over 120 fry from one brood. You've done well to have as many as you've had. If you intend to raise them until they're large enough to sell on, then you really need to get a seperate tank to keep them in, as the net you have will soon become too small for the growing fry. Baby brine shrimp are essential if you want them to thrive, too.

Guppies usually have around 60 fry per brood, again, depending on their size.

Hope that helps. :D

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