Guppy laying eggs?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2005
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Ok i just saw the weirdest thing guppy was really pregnant this morning and now tonight she is as skinny as can be...but there are no fry in the tank.......there are two small....clear little bead like things on the bottom.....I was just wondering if these are eggs....or what the heck is happening? this a common problem and what could be the result of this situation?

Thank you
Thats weird I think those aren`t eggs and maybe your guppy might`ve been overfed or something?
they could be eggs, i have had livebearers that not all the babies got some unfertilized eggs came out. chances are that she had babies too..but they got eaten or are too small to see.
Ive seen this happen before with mine. Sometimes, whilst giving birth, there will be the occasional egg which hasn't been fertilised that gets released because it's stuck in front of others which contain fully-grown fry. The Mother fish doesn't seem to be affected by this happening. Not knowing what tank set-up you have, I couldn't say what's happened to any fry. If there's other fish in the tank and it's not well stocked with plants, then they could have been eaten. But, if there are a lot of floating plants, then the chances are that the fry will be amongst it, trying their best not to be conspicuous to the other fish. If you lift the hood on your tank, you may be able to see them.
Thank you for your replies.....well i noticed this because she was in a breeding net and when i saw the eggs on the bottom and how skinny she had gotten i released her back into the main tank because i figured she had aborted or this morning she has a huge gravid spot that seems to bleed into her underside and belly....she isnt bleeding but there are black streaks that seem to have developed farther away from her anal fin then normal.....hmmm....oh well I'll get her in 3-4 weeks :)
My swordie girl that just birthed had 10-12 undeveloped or half developed eggs(100+ fry) and when she birthed Jan. 19 she had over 25 eggs as well(70 fry). Not sure if they were aborted due to stress or just that some do not develop fast enough. With the huge amounts of fry she has I do not find this surprising. I think that she may be getting near the end of her birthing peak and may not have a lot longer to live. She is a very large Swordtail female(over 3" and very thick) compared to a lot of others I have seen.

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