Raising Guppy Fry


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
:unsure: I have 7 two and a half week old guppy fry but I have no where to put them. I cant afford to go out and buy an small tank right now. I had them in a breeder since they were born but I'm afraid as they grow they may be stunted since the breeder is small. The only other container I have is a small 1/2 gallon tank with out filtration or heat. Can I put them in there? Maybe change the water alittle everyday? I want whats best for them but I cant afford to go buy anything. Please any advice would be appreciated a.s.a.p. :sad:
If you have plenty of plants and hidings spaces let them take there chances in the main tank.
Good advice. If you don't have a seperate tank to raise your young Guppies in, then it's better for them to be put in with your other fish. being 2 and a half week old, they should be strong enough and fast enough to be able to survive with larger fish, (provided there's plenty of plant cover at the top of the tank.)
i agree ive had a few fry survive on their own but if you dont want the fry to die maybe wait a couple more weeks before you put them in?
i usually just keep mine in a breeder for about 2 months so when they are let out hey are stong enough to compete for food, or else ime they get stunted
I would try putting 1 or so in the tank with the other fish and see how they go.....if it gets eaten then wait a bit before putting the others in....

Chances are they will be big enough and smart enough not to get eaten or to be able to hide from big mouths :D
:D Yup thats what im doing, i had 10 2 - 3 week old that i released in my main tank and 2 survived the other bigger fish, now i have another 13 in the breeding net and they are now 2 week old, and im gonna leave them in there 2 - 3 weeks longer this time, and then release them into the main tank for a while until they are big enough to move onto my LFS.
I would let them stay in the breeder for a week or two more, but not much longer then that. However with all the livebearers you have you are going to need that trap again before long and are likely to be overun with fry. Hope you can find a growout tank at an acceptable price.

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