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  1. H

    Getting Apistos

    I'm clearing several fish out of my 26 gallon and moving some others to my 55 gallon,and after that all the tank will have is a rare loach sinobotia pulchra and 3 corydoras.I want to add apistos to get breeding experience so I can reach my goal of breeding and successfully raising clown...
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    Cycling Time Vs. Gallons Ratio

    Welcome!!!I don't think there's a scientific formula,but my brother got a 10 gallon that took about a month to cycle.However,he didn't have too many fish in it. If you have 3-4 fish in there to cycle it,it would probably take about 3 weeks.If you have 2,I'd guess 1 month. Then again,it can also...
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    Look What I Got

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!I love predators that are small.Could I keep one in a 10 gallon?Are they hard to keep?
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    My First Brackish Tank

    if I add 3 bb gobies to a ten gallon,what other fish could I add?
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    My First Brackish Tank

    I just got a 10 gallon tank with everything needed for freshwater fish.I would like to make it a brackish tank.I found 10 and 25 gallon rated bags(10 gallon bag makes 10 gallons marine water and so on)but I'm not sure how much to use to get a salinity of 1.005 in a 10 gallon tank.What size bag...
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    Not So Peaceful Gouramis

    add stess coat water conditioner,remove the gouramis or the angelfish.if you have a quarantine tank,put the angel in there.if you dont have a q tank,i suggest you get one,5 gallons,a few decorations.
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    Bad Water Change

    ok thanks!what do you mean by "chill"refrigerate or freeze?srry i am just eager to try new foods with my fish,as feeding time is one of my favorite times to watch my fish!
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    Bad Water Change

    that fish food sounds good-the gell,not the crisps and you think a bichir would eat it?
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    Help My Guppy

    could be a worm of some sort.any pics?
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    My Angel got sucked up my syphon

    horray!glad your angel is ok.Fatty?whos that?
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    What To Do?

    probably internal parasites.
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    Headstander Problems

    is his belly pinched in?if so,treat with fact,treat him anyway IMO.its probably an internal parasite.
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    She's Alive! Help!

    and if you dont have an airstone,i read you can make bubbles with a straw.
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    She's Alive! Help!

    i think it was a good idea.exelent EXTRA close atention.again,ph,temperature shock will kick in,so she will very likely get attacked by any bacteria in the tank...but since the 5g was empty,no bacteria.still,you can never be too careful,and there could be some in the tap water...
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    She's Alive! Help!

    yep,you need a lid.even some window screen taped over the tank should be fine for a fish like a careful,your betta could be suffering from temp. shock,toilet water is pretty cold.
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    She's Alive! Help!

    add some stess coat water conditioner,get the fish disease cures,and prepare for battle...good luck!
  17. H

    Can Killifish Go With A Common Pleco And Black Tetras?

    not all killifish are annuals...and they are compatible with plecos and all fact i am getting a pair of non annual killiefish for my community tank with these 2 types of fish
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    Will It Work

    if you only want 1 fish get a two tone dottyback,as bulletproof as marine can be ive heard.
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    20 Gallon Swimming/crawling Animal Only Tank

    changed my mind about the light actually,i will use just a normal,nothing special aquarium light.
  20. H

    20 Gallon Swimming/crawling Animal Only Tank

    what is di water?distilled?ro is reverse osmosis,right?would it be more expensive to use my own or just buy it? wow even very hardy marine fish are so picky about their water!!!! by the way,it will not have a damsel,it will have a 2-tone dottyback,or maybe another species of dottyback.
  21. H

    20 Gallon Swimming/crawling Animal Only Tank

    powerhead,heater,live rock,sand,tank,protien skimmer,salt,test kits, i need a master test kit if i dont have corals,since i already have some equipment i can share from my fw tank (4 test kits,dechlorinator)?also,i read that if you dont have coral,you dont need a hood and light,and that...
  22. H

    Stocking options for beginners

    i am getting a 20 gallon tank to start,just sort of a sample...some cleaning inverts and a pseudochromis paccagnellae
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    20 Gallon Swimming/crawling Animal Only Tank

    i looked through a fish catalog and came up with about $300.Is this sound ok,or do you think its cheap equipment?
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    Senegal Bichir

    not really sure about the gallons,but i know a little about it.its a penguin biowheel,has a little wheel with that good bacteria,and filter charcoal and a sponge,someone said they are excelent filters
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    20 Gallon Swimming/crawling Animal Only Tank

    should i use any filtration for this setup,or is it not essentail?i am trying to make this as inexpensive as possible,so if you have a 20 gallon setup for a low price,please let me know!i cant take it immidietly,but i will gradually save up for it(that could take awhile :-( ) this setup will...
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    my bettas kinda soft though...i have no tiger barbs or agressive fish,and someone tore his fins a bunch and everyone else seems to be ripped-finless.
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    bosterious enough to keep away a betta and A RAM CICHLID?
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    could you tell me some info on a peacful,easy to breed killiefish species?
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    Killiefish Posts?

    where do i put killiefish posts?
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    Senegal Bichir

    will they do ok in a 55 galon tank with a clown loach and a peacock eel?is a penguin bio-wheel a good filter for this setup?
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    Good tankmates for dwarf frogs?HELP!!!!!

    light brown with slightly browner spots.
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    Good tankmates for dwarf frogs?HELP!!!!!

    but i need fish from all levels (to balance it out).the tetras im not surprised about-they were rummy nose(very sensitive to water qualty,petco said they were good!!!) im not exactly sure what i like,i have only had my tank for about 5 months with just 3 rummy nose tetras and for about a month...
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    Good tankmates for dwarf frogs?HELP!!!!!

    well petco said theyre african dwarf frogs right now theyre only about an inch and actually i dont think the frogs ate them i think they died on their own
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    Good tankmates for dwarf frogs?HELP!!!!!

    no 3 in is max size,right now its only about an inch
  35. H

    im getting corys!!!

    i love loaches too...for some reason,bottom dwelling aquarium species apeal to me more than surface and middle species do