She's Alive! Help!


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Well, i camje into look at my swordies this morning, and my female had jumped!
I picked her up using my hands, and she felt dry! I though fior sure she was dead! I threw her in the toilet and she started moving! I ran and grabed my fish net and saved her! I put her in the main tank, but I dontn know what o do. She sank to the bottom and sat there, lifelessly for a few seconds, but her upright fin was moving! So were her gills! what do I do to save her??? She's on her very last leg!
Hope everything goes ok, fingers crossed! Have you not got a lid on your tank? How did it get out?
yep,you need a lid.even some window screen taped over the tank should be fine for a fish like a careful,your betta could be suffering from temp. shock,toilet water is pretty cold.
I had a tight fitting lid, here's a pic of the filter area, the only place she could have escaped...:


I have her in her own 5G right now, with about a teaspoon full of stress coat.
I put a towel over the tank, so its dark, there's not much movement ever in the room, except for when I go in there to look, because its our spare/guest bedroom.
The 5G that is in my profile that says "empty" is now occupied by one weak female swordie. I didn't want to bother with gravel, so she only has one little neon cave (I use to think they were cool) and a plant.
I've got a heater running, but no filter, I figured I'd skip because of the current, and I have no filter pads for the 5G filter :/
Was I correct in moveing her to her own tank?
I think she might have been harrased by the male, so I didn't want her with him in her fragial state.
i think it was a good idea.exelent EXTRA close atention.again,ph,temperature shock will kick in,so she will very likely get attacked by any bacteria in the tank...but since the 5g was empty,no bacteria.still,you can never be too careful,and there could be some in the tap water...
make sure you monitor the pH and ammonia levels. and if you can, an airstone in the 5g might help
could you not use something to cover up the gap at the back? like a piece ofc Cling film just above the filter and over the covering that way if the fish do jump out they should fall back in. Hope its going ok :)
Thanks, I think sh'es going to pull through. I've been checking the 5G every 5 minuts or so... She's sitting pretty still, but she's uprighted, and she's breathing.

Are there any meds, or special treatment stuff I should get?
I'm going to get filter pads, so is there anything I should pick up with it?
I added a filter yesterday.
She's not very active, not even half as active as she was. she spends alot of time sitting on the bottem, sitting very very still.
When will she start to perk up?

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