Can Killifish Go With A Common Pleco And Black Tetras?

They are both Nothobranchius species (annual killifish) which means that they come from areas in Africa.
They are fish which inhabit temporary pools of water which are prone to drying out (evaporating) during the hot season. This type of killifish has developed a survival strategy where by they they lay their eggs in the soil at the bottom of the pool and they remain there even when the pool has evaporated only to hatch again when the rains return. Not all the eggs hatch at the same time. This means that if there is a freak storm before the regular rainy season begins and the pool dries out again that the species will not become extinct. The incubation period for these eggs can be as long as 18 months but it is usually between 2 and 6 months. For these Killifish life is rather chaotic as they have to hatch when the rains come, grow to maturity, breed and lay their eggs before the pools dry out again and they die. So their growth rate has to be extraordinarily fast and most will reach maturity inside 6 weeks. Examples of annual killifish are the African genus Nothobranchius. of which Nothobranchius guntheri (noth-o-branc-e-us .... goon-fer-eye) is considered a good beginners fish with not too long an incubation period.
Both species in you pics should be given a species tank of around 12"x8"x8" with no substrate and a margarine tub weighted down with a heavy stone. Fill the marg. tub with pre boiled peat moss to a depth of around 2" and this set up will be fine for a trio. 1 male:2 females. They will only live in the aquarium for 8-14 months and the older they get their looks go too.
If you need to know more about incubation times etc then pm me.
The above is an exerpt from my soon to be published website.
:blink: :blink: :blink: :huh: I didn't want to know how fast they grew or how they bred I just needed to know if they were compatible with a pleco and black tetras I thought they looked nice in the tank at the lps and thought they'd look nice in a 45g tank with gravel and fake plants.
:blink: :blink: :blink: :huh: I didn't want to know how fast they grew or how they bred I just needed to know if they were compatible with a pleco and black tetras I thought they looked nice in the tank at the lps and thought they'd look nice in a 45g tank with gravel and fake plants.

it's good to know more than just compatibility about a fish. now you know they don't live very long since they are annuals.
So you mean from birth to death they only live a year? No longer? Thats stupid, what kind of fish is that?
An annual.

It's not really stupid, it's a survival method.
So you mean from birth to death they only live a year? No longer? Thats stupid, what kind of fish is that?

I completely agree, someone needs to give these fish a good talking to and tell them they need to up their game! :hey:
Well I mean why would you pay $5 or more for one of these fish just to live 1 year? :huh:
Well I mean why would you pay $5 or more for one of these fish just to live 1 year? :huh:
In the same breath you could ask "why do you spend £10 ($17) on a glass of wine in a restaurant" when it won't even last a year but likely less than an hour :lol: it's not about the money is it ?
Well it kinda is because I don't get a paycheck and pet store killis are most likly already at least half a year old and I ca't go and buy new killi fish every few months.
Ah sorry I forgot how old you are :*) well in that case they probably aren't the best fish for you to have.
not all killifish are annuals...and they are compatible with plecos and all fact i am getting a pair of non annual killiefish for my community tank with these 2 types of fish

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