Bad Water Change

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try to avoid foods with high levels of land based fats and proteins. think of it like this: if it isn't likely to fall into a river in bite-sized pieces, then it isn't likely to be a part of a carp's natural diet. ;)

if its not a natural thing for a carp to eat, then its probably not very good for your fancy goldfish (which are just special kinds of carp). stuff like fruits and veggies should be fine, but pork derivatives are pushing it.

black angel, correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't it the fact that flake must be eaten in gulps at the water's surface that makes it bad to feed goldfish? by that logic, you really shouldn't feed them anything that floats on the surface for a long time and should focus on chunky stuff that sinks.
Mr Chinnery did you say in that you had a black hoar fish :huh: , LOL , i think you meant a BLACK MOOR FISH.
Did it have bulging eyes and was jet black in colour? if so it was a black moor for sure.
Yes Pica, one of the main causes of swimbladder problems are fish gulping food from the top.
Flaked food is awful for this as not only is it floating but it ferments in the gut causing air pockets to form as well. If people want to feed flake then get a top quality brand and pre soak it for a few minutes before feeding so that it will sink.
Of course you cant stop fish from gulping air fron the surface but trying to keep it to aminimum will help.
You can make your own gelled food if needed.
You can also change from flake to granular sinking foods that help greatly as well.
Black angel you are so good with the gold fish I think if no one didnt take your advice is the crazy one..People are so quick to put someone down for something.
we always hold the flake in the water before letting go.. exactly like you said, to avoid the risk of them gulping too much air!! but how do you make the gelled food???
There are lots of different foods you can put together to give your fish a healthier diet. It can work for tropical fish as well but you would need to cut into smaller blocks.
Heres just one recipe.

1 cup of lightly cooked veg.
You can use half a cup of peas
and half a cup of mixed veg, such as brocolli, spinach, green pepper, parsley,carrot.
If you use frozen veg then most are lightly boiled anyway.
1/2 a can of drained tuna or shrimps.

Liquify everything in a blender

in a pan dissolve 2 packets of unflavoured gelatin in half a cup of warm water, microwave it until its clear then add the veg mix.

Pour all that into a grease proof paper lined tin around 9x12" and then chill.

Once its set then you can cut into mouth sized pieces and take enough for a week and freeze the rest.

Once you get the hang of it you can add other ingredients such as cooked rice and fruit. Be creative.
careful! i heard from one guy that made the gelled stuff and it ended up giving him enough food for 6 months! :lol: and he had several tanks of big hungry cichlids!
that is amazing! i never thought about making this for my fish!! got a tortoise at the mo (present for james's mum), so LOADS of veggies here.. i may experiment tonight!
Awww :*)

OK, so maybe I was hasty. Apologies to all.

I have kept Goldfish myself. in fact one of my most lovable characters was a big fat Lionhead Ranchu called DooDoo.

Goldfish are mad as a box of frogs. And really cool. B)

ok so i tried out your recipe black angel... and they LOVE IT!! i just put it into an ice cube tray, and wacked it in the feezer, took it out, once it was firm, popped out a cube, chopped it in half, half for the goldies and half for the trops!! 2 mins and the lot was gone!! although it did get some suspicious looks when it first went in :lol:

i also added some apple.. is that ok?? :huh:

do you feed this instead of flakes, or as well as??
The apple is fine. As with all new foods add it slowly over time. So for now a couple of times a week as a treat and then you can slowly use it to replace the flake, and then the flake would be a treat to make sure they get any missing minerals. Once you get the knack of making it then you can vary what goes in it to keep nutritional values going. You can add bloodworm for protein and orange for vitamin c.
ha ha ha "Altho i did have a black hoar a few years ago and that 1 used to literally do summersaults".....thats a whole different forum!! :rofl:

Your feeding mrthods are bizarre but thanks for the post, not only have I p*ssed myself laughing (especially the mental picture of a black hoar doing summersaults!) but we have all learned a bit about the wide variety of foods you can give fish and hopefully Fatty can go on a little diest for a while. would be good though......any chance of seeing Fatty.
If it's still alive... Cut off as much tubing as you can, at the head end of the fish, being careful not to crush him. Blow into the other end of the tubing to force him out, head first.

Good luck

edit: I've never done this. It's just what I would do if I were in your shoes.

While this is a bit of an ODD problem. I only have one Question?

Why RISK Crushing the fish by cutting off the end of the Tube it's stuck in?

If your going to try to BLOW him out to dislodge him, then WHY NOT just blow into the tube as it is?

I would think it would be easier on the fish because the farther away the Pressure would be lessened to some extent, And if he Swam up and got stuck in it himself, I don't believe he could be Wedged in there to tightly, At least I don't see how anyway.

Goodluck and Please KEEP US POSTED... :nod:
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