
Rather than me writing pages on this article. do a Google for the following species.
Aphyosemion australe, Aphyosemion striatum, Fundulopanchax gardneri (various locations/strains) & Epiplatys dageti monroviae. All plant spawners and considered beginners species. Fundulopanchax gardneri can get a little bit boisterious but nothing major.
Rather than me writing pages on this article. do a Google for the following species.
Aphyosemion australe, Aphyosemion striatum, Fundulopanchax gardneri (various locations/strains) & Epiplatys dageti monroviae. All plant spawners and considered beginners species. Fundulopanchax gardneri can get a little bit boisterious but nothing major.

bosterious enough to keep away a betta and A RAM CICHLID?
Ram cichlids are pretty much fluff (Unless they are breeding).
The betta may pose a threat, but I've seen my golden wonder panchax and gardneri killies move pretty fast and act aggressive, so I wouldn't worry unless you have a shortfinned male betta that mistakes your killies for other bettas.
I would not advise Killi's with Bettas. I tried it briefly with Aphyosemion australe but it didn't work. They are just too colourful and Bettas can be very mean and very nasty.

Don't worry BigC - nothing happened (in terms of damage) and I thought I'd try it while watching them like a hawk. But the female bettas were having absolutely none of it and were not happy with these fancy intruders. So I moved the Bettas and the Killi's got their own lovely tank ! lol
I keep several different kinds. My favorites are the nothobranchius group. Here is a pic of one of my favorites. They are a N. kilomberoensis minepa TAN 00-14. They are easy to keep and breed but this type normally lives for less then a year. Since they breed all of the time it is not to hard to keep the line going. They are a true "annual" which means the eggs must be dried for a couple of months (time depends on storage temp) before hatching.


my bettas kinda soft though...i have no tiger barbs or agressive fish,and someone tore his fins a bunch and everyone else seems to be ripped-finless.
my bettas kinda soft though...i have no tiger barbs or agressive fish,and someone tore his fins a bunch and everyone else seems to be ripped-finless.
So I thought of my lovely ladies too. Sweet as sugar they were.

Guess the only way you'll find out is by trying then ;)
I started off with 3 golden lyretails and now have 11 but they have stopped breeding since i moved house, how can i get them started again?
I started off with 3 golden lyretails and now have 11 but they have stopped breeding since i moved house, how can i get them started again?
I take it you mean Aphyosemion australe (gold). You need to pay proper attention to your water conditions. For starters the pH was probably different form area to area.
I collect rainwater from a plastic roof channelled into butts with peat added. For me after I take all the measurements I mix with a small amount of tap water to get the correct readings.
Australe are very prolific and you should have tank loads by now instead of eleven. correct water conditions coupled with regular water changes and a diet containing mostly livefood will set you back on the right route with these gems.
A pH around 6.0 - 6.5 should be fine. and a temperature of 75f.
I keep my killifish with bettas and have had no problems at all :) But i do have the 'boisterous' variety so that could be why! :D

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