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  1. E

    Fully Stocked?

    Yeah, I'd say you can add more, obviously the plecs have a huge bio-load but I'd say you could add a dwarf cichlid with out any problems.
  2. E

    Fully Stocked?

    Your tanks a juwel? Them it's 450 litres! I have the same, it's called the 400 but it's 450 litres, google it. Anyway, I'd say you can add more, don't know what your filtration is like? I use the internal and an external, plus a uv filter. I have more than that in it.
  3. E

    Fish Recomend :)

    Gouramis are fairly hardy I believe , dwarf ones can be aggressive apparently, but full size are peaceful, I have three, great fish, big impact they do like still water though, whereas the others in your prefer faster moving water, but mine seem to be fine with it.
  4. E


    Thanks everyone!
  5. E

    Angel Issues

    Good luck, hope it works out!
  6. E

    Angel Issues

    No idea, doing what your doing sounds like a good idea, if the other one establishes and then try again, but no experience sorry.
  7. E

    Angel Issues

    From what I have heard it once an angel is established they won't accept new ones, but that's just what I have heard others saying and pet shops saying.
  8. E

    Someone Help

    Sorry, I laughed when I read this, yes a mess! Ether you get another large tank or find the green terrors a home AND the puffer! I can understand it, I did the same a few months ago and came back with a jack demseys, beautiful fish, but not a community fish, be great with your green terrors...
  9. E

    Fish Recomend :)

    You probably already know but the common plecs will outgrow a 3 ft tank. What's your ph and temp? I'm a fan if barbs, avoid tiger barbs but most others should be compatible. I'd make larger shoals of what you have. Guormai are nice too, killifish although short lived. What sort of thing...
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    Boesmani Rainbow

    I would imagine that is a lot. I've actually ordered some for my 450litre, but just ordered 6 for now, I suggest ordering a smaller number and building up the numbers. They aren't huge fish so I imagine they are fine, perhaps 6? As for the red tailed shark, with mine I have found he becomes...
  11. E

    Fish's Missing

    Hatchets are flying fish, make sure all is taped up tight. I lost two reed fish escaping my "well sealed up" tank! What other fish do you have? They haven't got pop eye have they?
  12. E

    Would These Fish Be Ok For My Tank

    I have various barbs, the only barbs that fin nip are tiger barbs and versions of it, such as albino tiger barb. The vast majority are fine. I have cherrys, 5 baded and Odessa, none find nip. As for stocking it would be full to over stocked in a 70 litre, but like others have said you could do...
  13. E


    Hi, newbie here, looking for a friendly forum to share are learn more about fish!