Fully Stocked?


New Member
Feb 9, 2013
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Hi everyone,
I would like your opinions on my stocking levels.
I have a 400 litre planted tank with some bogwood in it, so at a guess would say nearer 380 litres.
In my tank I have:
12 red eye tetras
  2 bristle nose plecos
  3 dwarf chain loach
  3 dwarf gouramis
  3 moonlight gouramis
  1 golden nugget plec
  4 guppies
  5 harlequin rasboras
I would like to add something else to the middle of the tank that does not hide all the time, if there is room.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
None of those fish should hide :p
Although you have a few plecos in there.
May need more chain loaches tho.
Hi Techen,
Of course they don't all hide, I should have made myself clearer.
The nugget and moonlights have only been in the tank for a week, but obviously the nugget is nocturnal and the gouramis are still settling in.
My question is really "am i fully stocked"?, and I'd like to have 1 other species - maybe a dwarf cichlid.
What do you think?
Your tanks a juwel? Them it's 450 litres! I have the same, it's called the 400 but it's 450 litres, google it.

Anyway, I'd say you can add more, don't know what your filtration is like? I use the internal and an external, plus a uv filter. I have more than that in it.
I would say any dwarf cichlids ( bar convicts due to aggression ) wouldn't go astray !
Hi Eternal,
Yes it's a juwel but I bought it second hand, so it's just 400 litres (changed to 450 in 2009 I think).
Anyway, running on 2 Fluval 305s at the moment. The internal was removed by the previous owner.
All my stats are good and stable. Do you think that's enough?
Yeah, I'd say you can add more, obviously the plecs have a huge bio-load but I'd say you could add a dwarf cichlid with out any problems.
A pair of german blue rams always brighten up a tank :). Quite small, not particularly aggressive, but able to hold there own. Or a flashy pair of electric blues.
Hi all,
Thanks guys for your valuable advice. I am drawn toward  a couple of GBRs but my wife quite likes Rainbowfish.
What are your thoughts on those?
BTW, she never wanted me to upgrade to this tank but now it's up and running, she spends more time than me looking at it. Lol.
Rainbowfish are very nice. They are peaceful and won't cause any problems with any other fish. They'll fill the middle of your tank too. I've got 10 of differing types in my tank and they look lovely. Full size they can get up to 12cm but they take a few years to get there. A few boesemans will be nice or you could get different ones depending on what your LFS has.

Just to add, you can get dwarf rainbowfish that grow up to about 6cm that also look nice.

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