Fish Recomend :)


New Member
Feb 21, 2013
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hi there im new so first sorry if in wrong place :)

i have two common plec an a keyhole cichlid a danio an a few tetra
and im looking for some more fish an in need of adivce on what to get cause when i go fish shop they tell me get this an i check it out on internet an well it sys it a no go so ive decided to try this way an im hoping to get some help :)
thanks in advance :)
We need a bit more information:

How big is you tank? Volume and dimensions
Exactly what fish have you got I the tank - species as numbers
How long has the tank been set up?
ah sorry tank is 3 foot in length an 1 foot in height (amazing at maths :p )
the fish i have
2 common plecs
zebra danio
4 penguin tetras
1 keyhole cichlid
tank been setup about 2 years but last few month ive been trying to get back into it an well in need of ideas of fish
You probably already know but the common plecs will outgrow a 3 ft tank.

What's your ph and temp?

I'm a fan if barbs, avoid tiger barbs but most others should be compatible. I'd make larger shoals of what you have. Guormai are nice too, killifish although short lived.

What sort of thing are you looking for?
i was looking at guormai today lol i saw honey ones an fell in love but dont know if there able to go in tank lol an temp is around 80F and ph not sure ive been going through the proccess at momemnt im trying hardy fish an seeing how it goes :) ive added a few more danios and i added cherry barbs today an they seem to be doing good but really want those honey guoramis :D of they would do well?
Gouramis are fairly hardy I believe , dwarf ones can be aggressive apparently, but full size are peaceful, I have three, great fish, big impact they do like still water though, whereas the others in your prefer faster moving water, but mine seem to be fine with it.
Honey gouramis are a go! See if you can return the Pleco to the shop as it will outgrow your tank.
happy days man im there bright an early tomorrow to get me some of them :D well excited :D

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