Fish's Missing


New Member
Jan 7, 2013
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Nottingham, UK
Since i heavily planted my tank a couple of weeks ago i noticed i had a neon tetra missing which has never turned up. Over the last few days iv had another go missing. Today iv noticed one of my marbled hatchetfish has gone missing and iv also noticed one of them is missing an eye. My 5 remaining hatchetfish today have developed ich also. I have no explination where these could of gone and i cant find them anywhere. Iv only got a 125L tank so its hard to lose a fish in there. I have a siamese fighter in the tank but other than that all the fish are small community fish, so unless the fighter has been eating them i cant explain where they have gone. Please help!
I once had a common pleco disappear years ago. Absolutely no trace of it anywhere.
Last year I had a female betta disappear completely.  I've searched the tank, and moved things around in it, and searched the surrounding areas multiple times, and I still haven't found her! Sometimes they never come back.  They might turn up one day out of no where, though.  You never know!
How do u lose a betta lol. Id love to know where the hatchetfishs eye has gone. In a tank my size fish can not simply disapear! Its doing my head in not knowing what has happened to them!
lol I'm not sure! Sometimes fish jump out, which is probably what happened with my betta.  Sometimes they die and the other fish eat them really quickly.  I've even heard of smaller fish getting caught in the filter, then reappearing later.  If there's any way that they could jump out I'd suggest looking around the room for them, though if you have any cats, or even dogs, you might not find them.  You may find pieces of them later 
 Or you may never find them.  I'd say keeping looking around, and see if they turn up.  After a few weeks of being gone you probably won't know what happened.  Sorry you lost them, it's especially frustrating to have fish disappear, as opposed to dying where you can figure out what happened, and fix the problem so you don't lose any more.
The betta might have eaten the tetras. Not sure about the other ones. But it's clear there's been a fight.
Iv removed all the plants. Sadly i found the hatchetfish dead. It looked like it had started to decompose but it was missing an eye like the other one. However, the 2 missing tetras are nowhere be seen. Also, unfortunatly, while we were sorting the tank out, it appears that one of the hatchetfish has jumped out as i noticed him on the floor next to the tank dead. So were down to 4 hatchets now
Hatchets are regular jumpers so you need to have the tank well covered. Neons are also not very hardy these days due to constant inbreeding.
Hatchets are flying fish, make sure all is taped up tight. I lost two reed fish escaping my "well sealed up" tank!

What other fish do you have? They haven't got pop eye have they?

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