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  1. R

    Blue Rams And Agression Towards Eachother

    Well,no.They can and are agressive especially towards each other.As any good cichlids,rams are territorial and could and will attack any other fish that invade their space.
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    Looking for more

    Yeah,I agree with pica nuttalli............I wouldn't mix Africans and Americans species,they do have differente needs.Dido for hard schooling fish,that seems to be a good choise.
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    Keeping Angelfish With Neons

    Well,my angels are pretty much full grown now and I must say they are anything but good tank mates to any tetra.I will explain........At first when they were little they were introduced to neons,and there were no problems what so ever.Time passed and they started to show their territorial...
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    Rams in my tank

    Hey,don't worry about the fry,they will become a good source of protein.Sounds cruel but,that's life in the pond. PS....Let us know whatever happens in the tank
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    Rams in my tank

    The good news is that they will not look at the angels when they become parents,the bad news is that they will become very territorial and aggressive towards other rams and small fish,including corys. Having two males will spell disaster,especially during hot days.The dominant will chase the...
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    Rams in my tank

    Hi ANIM4L,sorry I didn't read your post earlier. I am glad you finally got your rams.No doubt these are some of the most beautiful fresh water fish,and you will enjoy them for sure. Like you I keep my rams with angels in a 55 gal tank,plenty of hidding places and full all live plants...
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    Gender of my rams?

    I am not really going to disagree 'cause that's a male. A blue female,especially the germans are better colored than any other variety,therefore should always show that pink/purple spot. Liz,I don't usually use flash on my pics,but this is one of them where it shows a male and a female...
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    my angels make weird noise

    Yeah.there's nothing wrong with it.It's just normal,mine do the same. I will be worried if they don't make any sounds,that would indicate they aren't feeding right.
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    I don't think anybody should keep a pair in a 20 gal,simply 'cause unless you are just breeding them and need the space for extra tanks,you should keep them in a bigger tank. Remember you are going to need some gravel,decorations(including fake plants) and we might want to keep other smaller...
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    An unlikely pair

    Great pics.
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    angelfish tank mates

    In my experience with angels,I could tell you that they could get very mean.My angels have eaten a few guppy tails and neons. As far as I can tell,you already have 5 angels in a 55 gallon tank.I think that's enough.They will grow very quickly,and the moment they start paring up,all hell breaks...
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    Angelfish and veggies

    My angels don't eat veggies per say,but I include spirulina in their diet. Now,if they don't get fed,they will attack any plant in my tank,and its not a pretty sight.
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    blushing angels

    Correct me if I am wrong,but one of them seems to be also an albino? That would explain the deeper pink,perhaps? But,I gotta say they look perfectly fine to me. :)
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    Discus and salt?

    That's exactly what I wanted to ask.......Why do people still insist on using salt? Discus don't need it.You would most certantly not find salt in the amazon,so why use it? I would say no,don't use it on discus or any other specie that lives in fresh water lake/river.
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    Oscar's Rate them or Hate them??????

    Well,oscars are without any doubt some of the most charming fish anywhere.And it's true,not exactly the most atractive fish but,full of personality and a ton of charisma,oh..did I mentioned that they are concidered amongst the most intelligent fish? To me they are an 8 or 8.5 out of 10 simply...
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    OH MY GOD!

    Hello Claire.Yes,they are indeed very cute.As with most cichlids,looks are just part of their charm,but personality is what really make you love them,and angels have plenty of it.You had mentioned discus and the fact that they reacted differently to your hands,it's just their personality,I can...
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    The mighty blue ram

    Well,I have to agree with both Parker313 and Annastesia.It is true that selective breeding would make the golden ones a very weak variety,however just like Annastesia my golden rams are as strong as my blues.Now,I also have germans,and they are not weak at all.I know in the case of my germans...
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    The mighty blue ram

    I only disagree with a few things.......... 1---Microgeophagus Ramirezi is the cientific name of the blue ram.The "german" blue ram is a variety created in Europe,bred to show better coloration and a bigger size,therefore,there is no wild german ram,only blue(and golden) rams from the Llanos...
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    Exactly how big do angelfish get?

    Sylvia is right,about 6 inches in diameter,without counting their long fins.Superveils are usually smaller but,with their super long fins also need a taller tank.
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    Bolivian Ram

    OK,a few things Yves9,Microgeophagus altispinosus and Microgeophagus Ramirezzis are two different fish,from two different places.The Bolivian ram is obviously from Bolivia while the blue ram is from the Colombian and Venezuelan llanos. It's true that blue rams are more delicate than...
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    And for the second part of your question........they're from South America.
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    are discus and pleco's compatible

    Let's have something straight........while having discus we have to make sure they're OK in their tanks.Plecos my friends,could be dangerous to any fish,never mind delicate fish such as discus.Yes there are many species,but most of them may attack and injure and eventually kill a discus. Just...
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    dull blue ram

    Twice a week is fine,I do the same only a bit more ,about 30-40 %each time,but that should be OK. How about your water.Is it alkaline(higher than pH 7) or acidic(below pH7),rams do like slightly acidic although neutral its OK as well. Do you have soft or hard water?Rams don't do well in hard...
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    dull blue ram

    Problems accur when you have nitrates,amonia or a pH too high.also,how often do you do water changes?Good fresh water with rams is a must.
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    Red angels

    WOW, you know if that's natural or some sort of ink/tint that eventually will fade off. Anyone has more info. on them?
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    Angels and Salt?

    Mariah,just a question.Why adding salt?Do you have mollies in the same tank? I say this,'cause unless requiered I believe you shouldn't add any salt.If you have plecos,corys and other bottom dwellers it might be fatal,besides the Amazon doesn't have any salt.
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    Gold Rams

    First off,Germans are no more than a variety of regular blues.Golden ones are regular blues,just different coloration. Blue rams are originally from Colombia and Venezuela,bolivians are form(of course)Bolivia.They are very closed related but they look much different. Bolivians are a bit bigger...
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    Red angels

    Donno 'bout losing their colours later on but,could you share some pics.I am dying to see some red angels.
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    Butterfly Rams

    Forget about the dorsals and the size,my females even as juveniles had tall spikey dorsals so,don't even bother. Females show a pink/yellowish/purple belly.Males on the other hand,will have an orange head ,later on becoming yellow and ending right behing the pectorals(clear colored)
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    BLUE DEMPSEY????...anyone?

    Well,if you are talking about the USA and Asia of course they are much more common there.But,since this is rather an international forum,I can assure you they are not that common in Southamerica,Africa or even Europe,I don't know about Oceania. Once again,I agree that they may be a bit...
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    BLUE DEMPSEY????...anyone?

    I respect your point of view Juanveldez,and I know where you're coming from but,I don't mind having a "weaker" dempsey ,just like I don't mind having an albino super veil angel over a regular stripped one.Of course it isn't as strong,and yes it is more proned to have problems,but still I rather...
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    BLUE DEMPSEY????...anyone?

    Blue Dempseys.Simply GORGEOUS! Are you kidding me?you know how many people would like to get their hands on one of those.........They aren't too common and I know that they are going to be part of my next tank. It's also a very interesting story how they became blues.
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    Angelfsh are breeding!

    Fish do weird things.In my 55 gal.I have two females and this "Don Juan " male.The veil female happens to be the official girlfriend,but everytime this other female needs this male,he forgets about his girlfriend and fertilizes the others eggs. Now,the male after a few hours go back to the veil...
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    Rams Spawning

    Don't worry Lizard,it's very common for young couple not to know what to do.It usually takes a few tries before they get it right.A couple of things tough,if they are in a community tank it will be almost impossible for them to survive,and second check that PH make sure is at favorable level for...
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    Sev......The firemouths are just babies,wait 'till they grow up and you will see their role reversals. It might become hell and the angels won't stand a chance
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    Livebearers and Angels?

    OK,here is the my advice........ From somebody who had very fancy guppies along with angels......It's not such a good idea,and here's why:At first the cichlids will make you think they are all harmless but,just wait until they start growing.The problem is not with the mollies or plattys,but with...
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    Sorry mate,I'll say ............NOPE.
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    Wow,how could you forget all times favorites such as discus,angels,oscars,convicts,etc,etc,etc?But anywho,out of that list I gotta say the spectaculars rams.Not only do they have an attitude,they are gorgeous,especially those germans.Gotta go with the ramis.
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    Discus & Angels

    I agree with you on the fact that the two will complement each other very well. Yes it is true that discus have a more varied and colorful spectrum when it comes to colors,but don't be fooled by the angels.You may only see a few varieties like the golden,blacks,marbles and the regular ones with...
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    7.6 ph okay for blue rams?

    I agree.You might have problems in the future with that PH.