dull blue ram


Steals the show
Jan 3, 2005
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my ram seems to be losing coloru of late any ideas on the porblem, to lfs have tetsed the water and said its ok, feed mainly on flakes, but also occasional blood worms in jelly and lvev foods when i can get them, do they do markerdly better on food other then flakes?

he seems lively enough has just lost a littel colour of late


huh, well I have herd that some fish do lose their color over time. But I think that is the marine fish.

Maybe an infection?
Twice a week is fine,I do the same only a bit more ,about 30-40 %each time,but that should be OK.
How about your water.Is it alkaline(higher than pH 7) or acidic(below pH7),rams do like slightly acidic although neutral its OK as well.
Do you have soft or hard water?Rams don't do well in hard alkaline waters.
rams Do present themselves better when fed on livefood.

with my rams i never feed flakes or them granules...i feed mine on glassworms, bloodworms, daphnia and brine shrimp (artemia).

they look fabulous.

get frozen live foods if u cant get ura hands on live ones. frozen is much better imo.... more convienient...and definately smells less.


Oh and a higher temp brings better coloration in rams...but make sure ur other fish doesnt mind it too! :thumbs:
thanx guys i have yet to try frozen foods but there on offer a my lfs at the mo so will give tem a go

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