are discus and pleco's compatible


Fish Herder
Feb 26, 2005
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East Grinstead ,West sussex,england
Ive read in my issuse of practical fish keeping that discus and plecos are not compatible because the plecos like the slime they make and eat the discus but at my local fish shop they keep them together and there fine together and I brought 2 plecos from the same tank as discus and now I want to get discus so iam asking are they compatible thanks
I wouldnt risk it, discus cost to much to be injured by a pleco.

lfs arent always up on fish stuff thoiugh, so they may not even know about the pleco/discus thing.
Well actualy it depends on the plec you choose. I agree that keeping them with something like a common that is liable to start sucking on them is risky and probably not worth it but fish like zebra plecs for example are usualy safe.
Ive had angels, whish have the flat body like discus, for years with various plecos. Not one has ever went after the angels. If a pleco is doing something like that it usually means it doesnt have enough to eat. Algae wafers should solve that problem right away. The majority of fish stores that have discus know what they are doing. No shop keeper will bring in an expensive fish such as that and risk losing it before they can sell it. One of the ones I visit have the same set up, a school of discuss with common plecos. I trust their judgement only because Ive talked with them on many occasions.
Let's have something straight........while having discus we have to make sure they're OK in their tanks.Plecos my friends,could be dangerous to any fish,never mind delicate fish such as discus.Yes there are many species,but most of them may attack and injure and eventually kill a discus.
Just like Turq,until resently I had my priceless angels with a fantastic pleco.Well my friends after many headaches--and not because he was starving or anything--but because he would become territorial,chase mfish and eat my cichlid's eggs.
Yes I did love my plec,and I did feed him right,unfortunately he was getting way too big and territorial.
And I know there are many species but,to play it safe do not mix your discus with plecs.
But is it save to have them with Angels? What do you say about that? I surely hope so:(
Maybe some small ones, though even ones like ottos will stick onto the angels.

I have a pleco in our CW tank, and it always attacks the goldfish, though he is a commet, he can swim away, and at times he attacks the pleco, lol.

But they are mean fish.

A whiptail catfish may be a better bet, we have one as well, and he is quite nice to everything. I Also did have a rubberlip in with my small angels, and he never harmed them, I have no idea though what happened to him after I moved him to the other tank.

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