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  1. Shaucid

    Going On Vacation.

    Thanks for the help, I'll get a food block next time I visit the LFS.   And I have noticed that the tank is getting a little small for my gourami. Sadly I do not have the space or money for a 30+ gallon tank at the moment, might have to trade him in...   Anyway, thanks again everyone.
  2. Shaucid

    Was At The Fish Shop Yesterday......

    All I have to say is good luck to those poor tetras.
  3. Shaucid

    Going On Vacation.

    Hi everyone, I will be going on a vacation on March 16, and I will come back on March 23 (That's 7 days)   I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 opaline gourami and 1 bristlenose plecostomus, and I need to know what I should do food wise while I'm gone. I have gone on weekend vacations for 3 days in...
  4. Shaucid

    What's Your Favorite?

    I love Anabantoids and Loaches, so therefore Asia!
  5. Shaucid

    Please Help...can Anyone Identify What Kind Of Fish This Is?

    It looks like to a Scatophagus argus or related.    Here's a link to a Scatophagus argus profile.   What other fish are with it?
  6. Shaucid

    Do I Need To Care For My Snails?

    Yes, I do have fish.   It's a 10 gallon lightly planted community with 1 Bristlenose Plecostomus and 1 Opaline Gourami.
  7. Shaucid

    Do I Need To Care For My Snails?

    Hi everyone, I have a couple snails in my tank that were introduced by live plants. I believe I have 1 Malayan Trumpet and 1 baby Ramshorn (Maybe more)   Can I just leave them or do I feed them things?   -Thanks
  8. Shaucid

    My 10 Gallon Tank

    It looks quite nice. I like the artificial plant layout.   What fish are you thinking of putting in it with your remaining corydoras?
  9. Shaucid

    I Must Be Doing Something Right.... I Hope

    I honestly kind of like the algae in your tank. So green, It almost compliments the plants in my opinion.   Also I think you have very nice Pearl Gouramis.
  10. Shaucid

    Ragged Pleco Caudal Fin

    Hello everyone, this morning I noticed my Bristlenose Pleco has a ragged caudal fin, which wasn't there yesterday night.   It's quite confusing because the only other fish in the tank is my Opaline Gourami which is diurnal.   Can't supply a photo because the pleco won't come out of his bogwood...
  11. Shaucid

    Tetras Water?

    The smaller tetra may be stressed out from the fish-in cycle, or it could be getting bullied by the other tetras.    Is there any sign of bullying of the smaller tetra from other fish? (Chasing, Nipping, etc.)   What are your water stats? High ammonia and nitrite can cause stress in the fish.
  12. Shaucid

    Tetras Water?

    As far as I know, most characins (tetras, headstanders, hatchetfish etc.) prefer freshwater.    For your other question, I believe the problem is that you have too little tetras. They are schooling fish and will feel most secure when in numbers. Both species should be in schools of at least 6...
  13. Shaucid

    Planting Anacharis?

    Ok thank you.   I will definitely go back to the LFS and get a ton more of that stuff I'm loving it so far.   -Thanks again. 
  14. Shaucid

    Balloon Molly's

    What are your water statistics?   What's your current tank temperature?    Is there any blemishes, spots or anything different from the fish than when you first got them?   If you cant supply water stats than I suggest you purchase a test kit, Liquid ones are more accurate than paper strips.
  15. Shaucid

    Planting Anacharis?

    Today I purchased a small bunch of anacharis. (About 6 individual plants in a bunch) And right know 3 of it is planted in my gravel and 3 just floating free.   I kinda want to plant it all in the substrate because my gourami does like to nibble at the floating bits sometimes, but it does provide...
  16. Shaucid

    Common Or Sailfin?

    Looks like a Common Plecostomus to me. Though I could be wrong I'm pretty sure it's a common.   Hope I could help.
  17. Shaucid

    10 Gallon Help   Is this the hillstream species you're looking at?   According to the website that species requires a tank with base dimensions of 60 x 30 centimeters, which is about 23 x 11 inches.
  18. Shaucid

    10 Gallon Help

    If you don't already have a hospital/quarantine tank, I'd say go for it. There's just so many uses for tanks like that.   If you want to do a loach tank then your choices would be narrow. A small group of Dwarf Chain Loaches or a couple kuhliis might work.   Anyway, It's totally up to you.
  19. Shaucid

    Fish Id

      I agree. It's a Bristlenose. I got one in my tank and it looks exactly the same.
  20. Shaucid

    My 10 Gallon Planted

    Hi everyone, just thought to share a few pictures of my 10 Gallon planted tank. Current stocking is:   1x Opaline Gourami 1x Bristlenose Plecostomus Java Moss Moss Balls Narrow-leaved plant I don't know the name of.   I'm thinking of upgrading to a 30 gallon and I'll add a female gourami to try...
  21. Shaucid

    Am I Cycled?

    Hi everyone, today when I tested the water I got readings suggesting my tank is cycled. (or so I think) Here's a picture     Got my first tank that I'm cycling in mid October, set it up same day I bought it and bought my Opaline Gourami about a week after I set it up.   Is my tank cycled?  ...
  22. Shaucid

    Over Stocked Or Not?

    The links you gave don't work for me (404 error).   One way to upload photos to the forum is to sign up to photobucket or imageshack or some other image hosting site and uploading your photos there, then just post the links to the forum post.   If this "Pleco" has stayed around 2 inches for 3...
  23. Shaucid

    Over Stocked Or Not?

    A picture might help in identifying the fish. To me it sounds like an Otocinclus if it's been with you for 3 years and is only 2 inches.   A google search for "Panther Loach" showed results for Pangio Kuhlii (Kuhlii Loach). I don't have much advice on these fish but I have heard from various...
  24. Shaucid

    Will A Peat Filter Soften Water?

    Today I have a very simple question, will a filter equipped with a nylon bag filled with organic peat moss soften water as well as acidify it?    My water is very hard and slightly alkaline so I'm looking for ways to soften it.   -Thanks 
  25. Shaucid

    Is It Practical?

    Thanks for the encouragement, guys. The whole reason I've thought of doing this is so I can get the exact aquarium I'm looking for. If I am going to make my own aquarium I'll definitely do a journal post about it. Many thanks.
  26. Shaucid

    Is It Practical?

    Hi everyone, I'm getting a large tank (40-50 gallons) sometime in the future and I have a simple question: If I am knowledgeable in carpentry and working with glass, would it be practical to just make my own aquariums and stands? If it's impractical for someone like me to do this then that's...
  27. Shaucid

    Gourami With Hole In Head Disease?

    The tank is right next to one of my three (yes, three) back doors. The one it's next to used to be the most used but the doorknob broke so we use the other door nearby. Yes, he does get spooked when I do maintenance, mainly flailing in a corner... Also I think may have been what made the mark on...
  28. Shaucid

    Fastest Way To Grow Algae?

    What ever kind of algae grows easily on flat, smooth stones and that Otocinclus and Siamese Flying Foxes will eat.
  29. Shaucid

    Fastest Way To Grow Algae?

    I'd like to watch the fish eat algae the way they would in nature, I'll still feed algae wafers, it's just the rocks would be a snack for the fish and entertainment for me. Also, I've been interested in Yaoshania pachychilus (Panda Loach) for a while and from what I've read they need a good...
  30. Shaucid

    Fastest Way To Grow Algae?

    Hi everyone, because I will be getting fish in the future that will snack on algae in my tanks, I was thinking of a algae producing tank to make algae covered rocks for them to munch on. So I need to know what would be the absolute fastest way of producing algae in an aquarium. -Thanks
  31. Shaucid

    Gourami With Hole In Head Disease?

    Update I tried feeding the Gourami this evening starting with a single spirulina flake, he pecked at it but didn't eat it. He's feeding better since this morning when he didn't even touch frozen bloodworms. He had a good meal of freeze-dried mosquito larvae instead of flakes tonight. Nothing...
  32. Shaucid

    Gourami With Hole In Head Disease?

    I've had my Gourami since mid october, when I got him he was perfectly healthy and active, and eating well. All the rocks in the tank are smooth, I have rounded 1cm diameter gravel. The only sharp thing in the tank would be the filter outlet, but I think it's improbable that he scratched it on...
  33. Shaucid

    Gourami With Hole In Head Disease?

    OK, I'll do 80% changes, I just need a bigger bucket... Here's a picture, it's the small depression above the nostrils, it also looks like a scale is frayed. I'm not going to get medicine until I'm sure that it's Hole in Head Disease and not just a simple scratch. -Thanks
  34. Shaucid

    Gourami With Hole In Head Disease?

    HI everyone, a few minutes ago I noticed a small white depression on my Opaline Gourami's forehead. Info below. Tank size: 10 gallons pH : 7.6 ammonia: 0.50 PPM nitrite: 1.0 PPM nitrate: 3 PPM tank temp: 75F Fish Symptoms: Not eating, small 3mm diameter white depression on forehead. Volume...
  35. Shaucid

    Red-hump Eartheater Tank Size?

    Thanks for the help guys! I think I'm going to maybe get a 40 gallon depending on what my LFS carries.
  36. Shaucid

    Red-hump Eartheater Tank Size?

    Hi everyone, I'll be getting a Red-Hump Eartheater tank sometime in the future, and I need to know what size tank will let a pair of Red-Humps live happily without going overkill on tank size. Advice on what size tank I need or just plain tips on Red-Hump Eartheaters is greatly appreciated...
  37. Shaucid

    How Often To Feed My Britlenose Pleco?

    Hi everyone, today I bought a Britlenose Plecostomus to go with my Opaline Gourami since I moved my platies to my newest tank. And I have a simple question: How often should I feed it? It's about and inch and a half long so I was thinking 1/4 of a half-inch diameter algae wafer every other...
  38. Shaucid

    What Is This Plant?

    Today I bought my first live aquarium plants from my LFS ever. I purchased a moss ball and a large clump of java moss to start with, and the employee threw in a plant that she nor I know the name of. Here it is It was floating in the tank at the LFS so I've been letting it float also, but I...
  39. Shaucid

    Danio Acting Like He Is On Crack?

    Well, the general rule of thumb is 1 gallon of water per inch of fish. But that's not quite so reliable because a 10 inch fish wouldn't even be able to turn around in a 10 gallon aquarium. And a fish like the Red-Tailed Black Shark (4.7-6 inches) requires a minimum tank size of 50 gallons simply...
  40. Shaucid

    Danio Acting Like He Is On Crack?

    You're welcome. Watch your stocking levels though, as your molly might grow a bit large and you have two species of schooling fish.