10 Gallon Help


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2012
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Stocking with a 10 I have 4 ideas 1: a community 2:species 3:invert. Tank 4: quarantine I want suddgestion don't care if Brakish or not

I like rectulated hill stream loach never seen one but they look cool
If you don't already have a hospital/quarantine tank, I'd say go for it. There's just so many uses for tanks like that.
If you want to do a loach tank then your choices would be narrow. A small group of Dwarf Chain Loaches or a couple kuhliis might work.
Anyway, It's totally up to you.
Hillstream require fast flowing, cooler waters. I am nit sure if a 10G would be big enough, but I've never kept them before so let someone else answer that.
Tek oot.
The tank doesn't have a heater(well I do but I don't use it) and I could spend money on a uh what you call it and a 10g one is small
Oh yeah, Dwarf Rasboras would be fine, in a ten gallon, maybe 8-10?
Tek oot.

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