Going On Vacation.


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
South Texas, USA
Hi everyone, I will be going on a vacation on March 16, and I will come back on March 23 (That's 7 days)
I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 opaline gourami and 1 bristlenose plecostomus, and I need to know what I should do food wise while I'm gone. I have gone on weekend vacations for 3 days in the past without putting a block in or using an automatic feeder, and my fish did great. 
Anyway, my question is can I leave them for 7 days or should I do something?
Food wise they are okay.
Tank wise both fish should be in a much larger tank.
The gourami can grow up to 6" long, so I'd get a 30g+ tank. But if your gourami is anything like my little food terrors, he'd probably be pretty hungry when you get back. If you have any plants, they might be bare and eaten. Actually plants would be a good substitute for food. My gourami love eating vals.
Thanks for the help, I'll get a food block next time I visit the LFS.
And I have noticed that the tank is getting a little small for my gourami. Sadly I do not have the space or money for a 30+ gallon tank at the moment, might have to trade him in...
Anyway, thanks again everyone.
If you're trading in the gourami, do the bristlenose as well. Then you won't have to worry about them while you're away!

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