Red-hump Eartheater Tank Size?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
South Texas, USA
Hi everyone, I'll be getting a Red-Hump Eartheater tank sometime in the future, and I need to know what size tank will let a pair of Red-Humps live happily without going overkill on tank size.

Advice on what size tank I need or just plain tips on Red-Hump Eartheaters is greatly appreciated.

Red Humped Eartheaters are always picking at the substrate since they are sand sifters. They prefer sand bottoms but it is not necessary. When they are big enough they will actually blow sand/rocks out of their gills while sifting the substrate for food. They are excellent scavenegers and will eat at every level of the tank. they will uproot plants easily. they are a harem speces, so try and get 1 male and 2 females, they are mouthbrooders and will spawn at a small size of approx. 1.5-2 inches
the minimum tank size would be 30 gallons. you should provide a lot of shelters. the maximum size of males is 6 inches and females could be anywhere from 3-5 inches. the temp can be from 72 to 79 degrees farenhiet. they can be fed pellets, flake food, live food, freeze died earthworms, krill, bloodworms, etc. they can be housed with similar cichlids of similar requirements and temperments. they can also be kept with top level characins
hopefully this isn't break the rules, but i thought snce no one answered yet could help you out, i got most of the information from
Thanks for the help guys! I think I'm going to maybe get a 40 gallon depending on what my LFS carries.
Make sure it's long and not tall.

I picked up another female today and again, she was holding.

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