Balloon Molly's


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2013
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Hello! so i have three balloon molly's. One is just swimming in the corner, the other is hiding by a log and the other is on the ground looking like it is going to die soon, and i only got them two days ago. 
 my tank isn't fully cycled and the nitrite is high so i did a couple of big water changes. Are these fish hardy at all? Why are they dying so fast? Any advise is greatly appreciated. 
What are your water statistics?
What's your current tank temperature? 
Is there any blemishes, spots or anything different from the fish than when you first got them?
If you cant supply water stats than I suggest you purchase a test kit, Liquid ones are more accurate than paper strips.
I had my water tested yesturday at a pet store and they said the nitrite is high so I was thinking that was the problem, but I did a couple of big water changes and I thought the balloon mollys were more hardy. They look normal, I don't notice any blemishes. And the temp is 25 C, it fluctuates between 24 to 26 through out the day.

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