Search results

  1. Cactusface

    Red Line Torpedo Barbs....?

    Hi All,            Last week I took a visit to my LFS and they had some baby? Red line Torpedo barbs. Yesterday I went back and got 4 for £15, there about 1-1.5" in size with the vertical lines fading, the horizontal black line is there and an hint of red in the dorsal. As there so small I...
  2. RLT.jpg


  3. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi All, And thanks for your help!! This morning I decided to try and solve the problem, the noise was really getting to me, especially as I have to sit next to it at night.. Checked all hoses and taps for blockage but found nothing, all was OK inside too. So I just put it all back...
  4. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi Bas, How are things? Well the Eheim now seems very noisy, tried a good clean, and lots of shaking, just in case it's trapped air, but don't seem to be, it sounds like the impeller is catching but this looks? fine. Perhaps it will settle down in time, but it's a bit noisy for the living...
  5. Cactusface


    Hi All, Here's a picture of 2 of my 3 Clown loach, the one on the left is only over a week old, well I mean I purchased it a week ago, your standard Clown. The one on the right is at least 2 years old, the third is also quite normal, but only comes out at night time. The clown on the...
  6. Cactusface


    Hi, Here's a pic of 2 of my 3 Clown loach. The one on the left I have only had for about a week, and is fairly typical, the other 2 for 2+ years I'd say. The one on the right is a little different in having 4 black bands and they are bands and not the usual wedge shaped markings, also he is...
  7. Cactusface

    Arduino Controller

    Hi Steve, I've been playing with the Picaxe micros for a long time, and I have something basic just to control lights (on/off) and heater, well it's only part build. I have only heard of the Arduino and it's Shields, etc of late. Years ago I programmed in Z80 assembler and a bit of...
  8. Cactusface

    Leicestershire Anyone?

    Hi Leicesteerites, Today I did a bit of Shopping, first I went to Pets at Home, I really should have known better!! Firstly the girl produced a pad of forms, then ask me things like tank size, how old, filter, what fish, Address details and then wanted a signature?? What on earth, then...
  9. Cactusface


    Hi, Had my Clown loaches (2) for at least 3 years, very nice fish and seem quite hardy! So today I brought another to add to the group, Yes had ICH in the past but it's not the ICH that kills them but the Toxic copper compounds or Malchite green used to treat it, that does them no good at...
  10. Cactusface

    What Cory Is This?

    Hi, Hope someone can help me with this, I've had this Cory for about 3 years, sure I purchased it as aggasszii but the dots are too small and not really round dots.? It looks a bit like melanistius or perhaps siamensis, or even something I don't know (very possible) Does it have a common...
  11. Cory-2.jpg


  12. Cactusface

    Leicestershire Anyone?

    Hi, I'am from LE5, not done any serious fish keeping for years, just got a community tank, a Jewel Rio 130L. But think I might be tempted to start again. Having got a little bored with Electronics (But again with Mpu controllers for lights and heaters, even LED lighting varied with PWM) and...
  13. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi Bas, I thought those plants looked as little too green and neat to be real, that's a shame because plants do a lot of good in the aquarium system, like using up all that fish waste, giving out oxygen! I'm a bit of a frustrated scientist, which is perhaps why I also mess with...
  14. OldTankSetUp.jpg


  15. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi, And that's a very nice tank too, what size is it? I am going to try and alter the spray-bar to throw the water further out! I used to know a chap who ran his tanks without any filters at all, but then he only fed his fish 3-4 times a week. While I was waiting for the Eheim I cut down on...
  16. Cactusface


    Hi Joe, Just type Jave plants or plants alive in to your browser, for a wide choice of plants. These sites also tell you about the plants and what lighting or feeding they need. I have used them both and they provide good clean healthy plants and good prices too. One of then even has a...
  17. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi, Yes looking could do with some really tall plants, I found that the last time I ordered Aponogetums, they did'ent last very long, but years ago no problem, could'ent stop them flowering!! Cripto balansae could be good, don't need bright lights.. a dwarf Cypto up front...
  18. Tank-2.jpg


  19. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi, As promised here's a couple of pics, moved things around, but still think more moving needed, once I get some new plants in there!! The Heater and syphon are in the right hand corner behind the Jave ferns. OK so here's one picture, that image size limit is a bit of a pain!!! Ok it in...
  20. Tank-1.jpg


  21. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi basboi85, Yes you draw as well as I do! I have set mine up just the same, except my spray-bar is on the Left, which is the other way around to how the old system worked. I'm on my way out now but will try and get a picture later. I've also moved things around a bit (so looks a...
  22. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi Folks, Well the Eheim 2213 turned up yesterday, so I set about getting it up and running. No problems, except I perhaps cut the return hose a bit short. I used the old filter bio media by washing it in tank water and returning the water to the tank, near to the syphon tube. It's...
  23. Cactusface

    Plec Id Please...

    Hi All I'm new to this forum and having had a community tank for many years, feel like I might just get back to some serious fish keeping, or even breading as in the old days. Having grown a little tired with Model building and electronics (But that could be useful here). If I get it...
  24. Plec-1.jpg


  25. Cactusface

    60l Cichlid Tank?

    Hi, I've once kept 4 small Krib's in a tank similar in size to this, until they grow and started breading... then I had dozens!! But they must have been the first egg layers I bread and I was over the moon! They are quite peaceful for a dwarf Chiclid, colourful and easy to sex. Great fun...
  26. Cactusface


    Hi All, A good way to cut polystyrene is with a piece of fine wire and a battery, connect the wire across the battery terminals, current flows, the wire gets hot, and melts/cuts tho' the poly!! to give you a nice finish, an old tip from my model making days. The battery only needs to...
  27. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi, Thanks for your replies, I had already downloaded the Eheim 2213 manual, they do sell a couple of devices to prime the filter and get it going, but they do also suggest sucking the outlet hose? My old Fluval made a noise when there was air trapped inside, it's more then likely the motor...
  28. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi basboi85, Many thanks for a prompt reply, Took a trip to my nearest fish shop this afternoon, they had an Eheim 2213 (£75), but looking on the box it says the taps are not included, but an optional extra! So I have one internet dealer offering me the kit for £44.90 (Zooplus) and...
  29. Cactusface

    Eheim 2213 Classic

    Hi All, As you might see I'm new here. Many years ago I kept/bred lots of fresh-water fish in about 4 tanks. For the last few years just a Juwel 130L tank/stand. But having got a little board? with model making and electronics (a micro-controller for Tank temp, lights, etc, not too...