

New Member
Sep 9, 2012
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Out of all my fish in my tank, I have to say I have a small 'special' spot for my loach. Love, Love, LOVE him! :wub:

I bought them in the hope they were easy to take care of, but apparently they're ich magnets. Has anyone had/has Loaches?

Are they easy to take care of and are really for beginners like my LFS says? :nod:

Sorry if this is in the wrong section!!

7F3WI4M :cool:
They're not the most hardy fish. I love loach too. I have some angelicus loach I really like. Clown loach are similar to kind I have. Accept angelicus loach don't get nearly as big. Clown loach need HUGE tanks. They get like a foot long and are most comfortable in a school of around 6.
Clown loach do better in a group, they are noisy and fun to watch with their clicking and grunting.
Clown loach are as easy as any fish to keep as long as the tank is big enough for them, they are kept in a shoal of at least six and fed a variety of foods they should be fine.
I have a shoal of 21 now, the oldest being 22 years.

I do not take any special care of them, they are in with other community fish and are always swimming about.
I do a 40% water change most weeks and never use any de-chlorinator's or chemicals unless absolutely necessary. I fill up straight from the cold tap when changing the water. Not had ich for at least 15 years
They are tougher than people give them credit for.
Best fish ever. imo.
I'm afraid clown loach will always be 'ich magnets' if they're not kept in suitable conditions; too small a tank and not enough company, primarily.

The constant low level stress caused by that weakens their slime coat and makes them a target for any parasites/diseases that they would normally be protected from.

I'm not having a go at you, btw, OP, we've all made mistakes in getting the wrong fish for our set-ups.
Had my Clown loaches (2) for at least 3 years, very nice fish and seem quite hardy! So today I brought another to add to the group, Yes had ICH in the past but it's not the ICH that kills them but the Toxic copper compounds or Malchite green used to treat it, that does them no good at all.. I always bump the temp up to about 90F for a week, that usually kills the ICH parasites. And yes my tank is perhaps a little over-stocked.

As others have said, they like a group. I have clown loaches, they are eight years old and have never had ich. I hand feed them and they do a little dance for food at 8pm every evening. Consistent water quality is the key, add other fish intelligently, but mostly -- and this is my personal opinion -- keep them occupied. Give them something to do, change the decor, give them many, many hiding places, leave one area the same but move everything else -- it's a small space for a big fish so they need entertainment; a nosey fish is a happy fish.
Here's a pic of 2 of my 3 Clown loach. The one on the left I have only had for about a week, and is fairly typical, the other 2 for 2+ years I'd say. The one on the right is a little different in having 4 black bands and they are bands and not the usual wedge shaped markings, also he is not so deep in the body or having much of an arch to the back, or coloured so well.. Last weekend when I was in my local shop they had two lots of clowns some like the normal!! one, others paler and cheaper. I should have spent a little more times giving them a good look over, perhaps next time.

Well there would be an image or 2, if I could just insert it, but I can't be bothered with things like Flickr, Photobucket, and the like....

I to bought loaches. i put in tank ddcated to loaches i e 3 clown loaches 4 khuli loaches and 3 golden loaches i also breed so the come in colorful combinations i have like bunch f those i keep em in a 50 gallon tank when the tank gets full i sell em or trade them or just rehome em
Hi All,
Here's a picture of 2 of my 3 Clown loach, the one on the left is only over a week old, well I mean I purchased it a week ago, your standard Clown. The one on the right is at least 2 years old, the third is also quite normal, but only comes out at night time. The clown on the right is not so deep in the body has 4 black bands, these are not the usual wedge shape, also has paler colouring.

When I visited the LFS, I noted he had 2 lots of clowns for sale, but the better coloured ones were £2 more?? could'ent see much difference in size. I thro' the odd alge wafer in now and again... But they seems very happy and heathy.

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