Arduino Controller

Steve H.

Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
Pingree Grove, Illinois
Does anyone have any experience building a LED or reef controller using the Arduino Mega?

I leaped before I looked. I thought I could find plenty of resources on the net to build one, however this has not been the case.

I find plenty of code to use, but my isse is actually putting the circuit boards together.

Any help finding resources or personal experience would be helpful.

Do you have the mega pre-made, or the kit?

What other parts are you trying to wire to it? Are you using a display and button controls or are you using it as a pure controller with no hardwired extras?
The Mega board is pre made.
The kit was the Mega with a 3.2" tft lcd, and an lcd shield.

It all plugs together and stacks on the Mega. Easy enough. But, can't seem to find any information on how or what I would need to connect LED lighting, fans, pumps ect.

I know one if the first things that I will need to add is a real time clock. Maybe some extra memory.

I just lack the knowledge if what needs proto boards or shields, and how to wire those up.
Hi Steve,
I've been playing with the Picaxe micros for a long time, and I have something basic just to control lights (on/off) and heater, well it's only part build. I have only heard of the Arduino and it's Shields, etc of late. Years ago I programmed in Z80 assembler and a bit of Pascal but never moved on to C/C+ etc, shame as it's very popular now!! and faster then the basic the picaxe (PIC) uses.

I have just won a prize for my own picaxe 20m2 shield design! I can drive DC and stepper motors, use U/S to detect distance or IR, etc but not done a lot at mains voltage, or using triacs, etc. I did think of an LED array slowly ramped up in the morning would save the fish from that sudden shock of the lights coming on..

Here's a couple of links, if you think we might be able to help each other, get back to us.


PS. My Shield as a RTC and EEprom memory that some don't!!

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