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  1. yvez9

    Awesome Find

    I believe the syno's will eat your other stock
  2. yvez9

    Longest-lasting Equipment

    my aquaclear 200 filter has been running for 5 years with the original media (sponge and bio) and impeller/shaft/motor. I haven't invested a penny in that filter in 5 years. I clean it every month or so and it still runs as smoothly and silently as new. I love Hagen products (Except the Fluval...
  3. yvez9

    Overstocked Or A Little Room Left?

    I believe yu could add more tetras depending on your shark, cories as well!
  4. yvez9

    Super Filter?

    that thing sure is expensive... i've used Kent's nitrate sponge as media to remove nitrates. bacteria would colonise the media and remove nitrates. Not sure how well it worked though I've stopped though as I still need to do water changes weekly to remove all the waste on the bottom.
  5. yvez9

    Hair Algae

    American Flag Fish will eat it. Males are stunning as well. They're killifish, scientific name is jordenella floridae i think they are small, about 1 inch long i put mine in a tank and didn't feed for 2-3 days. they'd eaten most of it. If you want alot, get only male and the rest females as...
  6. yvez9

    Help Me

    i would add cories perhaps 4 or 5 peperred cories
  7. yvez9

    Oscar And Algae Eaters

    there are hundreds of type of algea eaters many are too small and will be eaten by the oscar though. Youd need larger plecos probably
  8. yvez9

    Giving A Tank To A Friend

    you need to introduce fish asap just letting food to rot will not be enough to keep a tank cycled. what i'd do is set up the tank without the filter. add the filter and go fish shopping immediately. stock to about 25% and add an extra 25% every week for a month, as long as all readings are...
  9. yvez9

    Commercial Pellets

    i'd look at the ingredients trouts are more carnivourous i believe so there pellets would be mostly meat with little to no veggies. and watch out for the fat contents as well as they're cold water fish
  10. yvez9

    Silent Air Bubbler

    the most silent air pump i bought was a rena. it was a bit more expensive but extremely silent operating. the filter did get clogged though and then it became noisy. i just do without air pumps now.
  11. yvez9

    Is This Filter Enough For My Tank

    IMO, that filter alone will not be anough, giving about 2.5 tunrover rate an hour. if the stock in your signature is correct, the tank is lightly stocked though so it might do for now. However, I'd gor with a filter that will turnover your water at least 5 times an hour, meaning about 750lph...
  12. yvez9

    Fish For My Sister

    Your tank is fully stocked and the new tank will be fully stocked as well. the oscar will reach 10cm within a few months, probably 1 or 2 tops. the bristlenose will most likely become fish food once the cichlids grow a little.
  13. yvez9

    Got Tank

    i would leave it as is, no room for endlers IMO don't mix assassin snails with apple snail as it will be killed.
  14. yvez9

    Making Sure They All Get Fed?

    fish don't need alot of food. if you feed every day, thye should be all right. they will get what they need. if the endlers are bloated, you mgiht actually be feeding too much, which is alot worse than underfeeding IMO.
  15. yvez9

    Fishroom Design....

    i'd think heaters in most, if not every tank is a must though as not all fish like it the same temp heat the room to 76-77 but then some tanks will be warmer. i would also have to figure out a way to auto dechlor water as it is pumping in the tanks and have a sort of auto change feature where...
  16. yvez9

    Tank Heater.

    sounds to me this pet store is swapping out the more powerful heaters with cheaper ones and probably selling the heater afterward... if they won't give you what is yours, i'd refuse to buy from them
  17. yvez9


    as long as the heaters have a thermostat, you'll be fine only issue is if one of the heaters thermostat goes berserk, you'll cook the fish. i'd say the 200 watt alone would be sufficient but run both if you wish!
  18. yvez9

    Moving House

    how long will the move take? I've moved twice now. biggest i had to move were a 12 inch pleco and 13 inch oscar for the pleco, i put him in a big tupperware container filled halfway with water and a tight lid. the oscar was a lot more complicated. I put him in a a 5 gallon bucket filled 3/4. He...
  19. yvez9

    Tannins And Staining

    if you rinse the bath properly before soaking it i'm pretty sure there won't be any soap residue left. as for tannins, i've soaked wood in plastic buckets and it didn't stain it. any stains left in the bathtub should be washable IMO if you don't want to risk it, put them in a garbage bin or...
  20. yvez9

    Need Advice On New Addition To My Tank

    how big is the tank?
  21. yvez9

    How Much Sand

    if you get a deep sand bed, 3 inches or more, you rune the chance of getting anaerobic bacteria that will produce gas pockets in the sand if this gas is lethal to the fish if it accumulates and is released all at once. malaysian trumpet snails stir up the sand so prevent this from hapenning...
  22. yvez9

    Fish Stck Behind Backgroud

    it will be hard to black the gaps the fish most are most likely staying there hiding and i'm pretty sure they can get out of it, otherwise they would've had a hard time getting in.
  23. yvez9

    Lfs Trip

    We drive economical cars now. Gas usually costs over a dollar a litre in canada now and lord knows we have to travel far to get anywhere! most compacts have 1.6l to 2.4l engines on topic, great ornate!
  24. yvez9

    Heater Trouble

    i'm pretty sure vinegar would be safe as somme people clean their tansk with it but i'm not sure how well turtles support it... perhaps get a new heater if it is stained.
  25. yvez9

    Urgent Help - Ram's Head Wasting Away!

    agree with hole in the head there's a tpoic about it on the forums and is pretty common, especially with oscar fish
  26. yvez9

    Oil? In My Tank?

    an oily film will sometimes appear in tanks, depending on the type of food you give. I have it in most of my tanks and believe the frozen foods i feed cause it. i also believe it is caused by some sort of protein but don't quote me on that it will diminish the oxygen exhange between the air and...
  27. yvez9

    Texas Cichlids Had Babies :)

    :hi: Cichlids are usually good parents, sometimes even becoming agressive while protecting them. I must ask though, do you have food available for the tiny ones like microworms or infusoria? if you have some sort of live vegetation, infusoria will live in the tank and the fry will feed of them...
  28. yvez9

    Angels - Have They Eaten All My Shrimp?

    i say the angels have eaten them, and will eat the rest as well shortly.
  29. yvez9

    How Much Sand

    i have a tank with identical surface area. I put in 60 kilos i believe but 75 would've been better as a bit deeper bed makes it less probably you'll have open areas on the bottom. don't look at tank volume if you compare to another tank, look at surface area. you 112g is 6 sq. feet. compare...
  30. yvez9

    New Cichlid Tank Setup..check It Out..working Version Lol

    nice dwarf community Only issue I see is the clowns, they'll outgrow the tank but should be fine for a few years in a 3 footer!
  31. yvez9

    My Convict And Tex

    convicts to have a bump i believe... can't remember for sure
  32. yvez9

    Swordtails With Convicts

    i bred convicts to feed my oscar a few years ago. it was a 20 gallon high species tank Went to the shop, saw i tank full of 1 inch convicts labelled at 4$ each. offerred the guy 3$ for six and he agreed since i told him someone probably just dumped them at the store and he didn't pay for them...
  33. yvez9

    A Big Eating Machine Is Know A Little Machine.

    it'd be interesting to keep a full grown specimen in a pond. imagine having a 4 footer swimming around and having to throw 5 pounds of meat every week to feed it! That is one mean fish. I'd keep my hands out of the tank if I had one of those in it. lol
  34. yvez9

    What Is This....

    the oscar and angel will most likely enoy the new snails :)
  35. yvez9

    Using Mature Media To Cycle New Tank

    i doubt the fertiliser would bother the cycling. unless something in there neutralises ammonia or nitrites, shouldn't be any issues!
  36. yvez9

    German Blue Rams Spawned For First Time Last Night

    Sometime yesterday evening, 2 of my rams spawned. I had noticed a pair had formed and were protecting a side of the tank. I left for the evening and when I cam back, they had dug out a pit and cleaned off a rock which was now full of tiny eggs. Having no way to feed them, I decided to let them...
  37. yvez9

    Larger Community Fish.

    i'd skip the larger cichlids, even the severum, as they'll most likely eat your smaller stock like mollies and danios. only exception would be more angels
  38. yvez9

    River Reef, Rate Of Flow

    guppies are funny fish, they enjoy strong current as long as they have somewhere to rest that filter should be just fine
  39. yvez9

    Sinking Pellets

    what kind of cichlid are we talking about? most cichlids end up coming at the surface after a few days.
  40. yvez9

    Using Mature Media To Cycle New Tank

    excellent the cylcing should be complete within a few days if you dose at 5ppm