Angels - Have They Eaten All My Shrimp?


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
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South Leicestershire U.K
i added 2 angels to my tank yesterday they settled in fine, i know 2 is a bad number but ive 2 more ordered and will be here next weekend all being well.... in my tank i have/had about 40 cherry shrimp, 4 large amano shrimp and 2 very large rock shrimps. normally the shrimp are flying about all over the place and cleaning the tank for me, after looking at the tank tonight i cant see a single cherry shrimp! i have found the 2 rock shrimp and just 1 amano. i kind of expected the very small shrimp to get eaten but the amanos were up to 2 inches maybe longer.....
would my new angels have munched their way through 40 shrimps? there are places that the angels cant get and i cant see 100% as the tank is in a corner but all i can see is 1 amano there so far and 1 of the smaller of the 4 at that.....
the shrimp were only 25p each so no great cash lost but just wondered, or are they really hiding well?
heres a pic of my angels......


are they shrimp murderers, they look so cute surely not................

also can someone id the second angel for me please. i have been told its a smokey angel is this correct? thanks, matt.
I wouldnt hold it against them for munching on the smaller ones for sure. The others may just be hiding. I know when i had japonica shrimp in my dempsey tank i never saw a single one for months...when i emptied the tank i was amazed to find a couple hiding very well all the time in the tank.

Easiest way would be to get a torch during lights out and have a nosy about whilst your tank slumbers :)
shrimp with cichlids is juat asking for trouble almost certain to get eaten
i say the angels have eaten them, and will eat the rest as well shortly.
if the shrimp never had predators before they would have been used to a safe place. then the angels had a feast on the shrimp...and the ones that were smart enough will hide. they can last a long time in hiding if they're good. i've had ghost shrimp last me months, only coming out at night or staying under the wood. eventually though the angels got to them and now i have i believe 1 single ghost shrimp, if he wasn't eaten already...
That second fat, happy, well fed angel is a smokey. If it fits in an angel's mouth it will be considered food, if they think it will fit they will try. Don't feel bad, happens to us all, some time ago I thought some smallish glolite tetras would be big enough to cohabitate with angels. I was wrong.
That second fat, happy, well fed angel is a smokey. If it fits in an angel's mouth it will be considered food, if they think it will fit they will try. Don't feel bad, happens to us all, some time ago I thought some smallish glolite tetras would be big enough to cohabitate with angels. I was wrong.
my smokey angel seems to be the dominant 1 and chases and rams the other and i have noticed a couple of marks on the side of the golden angel that werent there yesterday.... i am going to add 2 more angels to spread any aggression out but should i be worried about the marks? will they heal? should i take 1 out until i get the others? i dont want the fish to be stressed any more than is needed.............

that second angel is a gem
thanks joller, a beautifull fish. i had to have him/her... seems to be a bit of a bully though and wont leave the other one alone....... it must be a male. lol
if u really want to keep shrimps with angel. I suggest you provide them a lot hiding place. In my planted tank, there are some cherry shrimps. as i bought some angel there. i thought all the shrimps are eaten. However, i noticed most of them survived. As angel are really slow swimmer, shrimps can easily hide in those moss.

my betta is trouble maker, he is always patiently hide there, waiting the shrimp to move, try to catch them. but i think he is also not good at it.

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