Urgent Help - Ram's Head Wasting Away!


New Member
Mar 4, 2009
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My Ram's head looks like his head is being eaten away! I noticed it yesterday but tonight its much worse and spreading. All my levels are fine and I've had him for 4 months. Water temp is 27-28C

My tank is a 65litre with 6 guppies, 6 tetras and a female Ram. All the other fish look fine, I have noticed a white spot on the female and would treat her for white spot, however I wanted advice on the male first before I medicate.

I have already done a 70% water change and am checking him every couple of hours whilst I'm in the house.

He's not swimming or eating and sits at the bottom breathing fast. Normally he's the boss of the tank!

Can anyone let me know what it could be, what meds and where to get them? I live in Derby UK.

Please click on the link for a pic -


Thanks for your help!
Hole-in-the-head disease, relatively common in cichlids.

What are your water stats?

I would use Waterlife's Octozin.
agree with hole in the head

there's a tpoic about it on the forums and is pretty common, especially with oscar fish

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