Tannins And Staining


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2009
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Anyone know if tannins leeching out of Mopani wood will stain a bathtub? I've got 2 pieces that are way too big for a pot or bucket but would like to soak them for at least a few days before putting them in the tank and no idea how else to do it. If I soak them in the bathtub (obviously when it's not in use!) will the tannins stain the tub?

More importantly, do I risk getting any soap residue on the wood etc or isn't this a big worry?

if you rinse the bath properly before soaking it i'm pretty sure there won't be any soap residue left.
as for tannins, i've soaked wood in plastic buckets and it didn't stain it.

any stains left in the bathtub should be washable IMO

if you don't want to risk it, put them in a garbage bin or something
I can't figure out is wrong with my brain that using a big garbage bin didn't occur to me?!?! :lol:

Okay, now I really feel stupid. Boy oh boy... :blush:

Thanks so much. I'll avoid the hassle of the bathtub entirely and use a big trash can... Thank you!
Ive used both ways and I find the bath a lot easier - you can see the tanins a lot easier in the water and depending on how good your water is you can get very very hot water very easily just by leaving the hot tap running. Rather than getting kettles and pans all boiling for ages
Hmmm.... another good point. You guys are good - thank you! Maybe I will indeed go the bathtub route...
i am in same possition. just bought a new bit of wood and i am thinking bath tub.. ppl can use the shower haha
Never know - they might find that there's some health benefit to absorbing tannins during your bath. :lol:

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