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  1. Harlequins

    Panda Fry Log

    Well just an update really, all 7 babes are going strong and getting bigger,also have 3 other pandas growing ,they're around 6 wks old and a few fry i found in the main tank a few wks ago,plus 1 albino juvi,only survivor out of the spawn a few months ago. I think they're all taking a rest at...
  2. Harlequins

    Cannibalistic Albino Corys.

    I think my corys are pretty intelligent myself,i can sneak a wafer into their tank without them knowing,2 seconds later they're eating it,their super senses come into play :)
  3. Harlequins

    Won Flower Competition Today

    I entered my local Keynsham in Bloom back in June,and went to the presentation eveing tonight and won a silver gilt award for my small garden arrangement :good: :hyper: Nice birthday pressie to me :)
  4. Harlequins

    Happy Birthday - Harlequins!

    Thanks all :) I'm on the look out for green lasers matt :lol:
  5. Harlequins

    Habrosus Spawn!

    Love it :hyper: :good: aww too cute,don't you just love their quivering :wub: :lol:
  6. Harlequins

    Habrosus Spawn!

    After a few weeks of good food you'll see them :good: My pygmys grew surprising fast,considering how tiny they were,w/c is good for encouraging growth rate too :)
  7. Harlequins

    Baby Nuff Nuff

    Awww bless,lets hope little nuff nuff makes it :good:
  8. Harlequins

    Corys Started Dying Again

    Its possible it could still temp related,the high temps after a while shortens the life of corys and they may eventually die has a result of it. Corys tend to show signs of redness on the bodies,which is may be noticeable with bacterial infection around the gills/underside areas... Sorry for...
  9. Harlequins

    Cory And Dwarf Hairgrass?

    Corys would be fine with dwarf hairgrass,but unless its deep rooted they may well dig it up :rolleyes:
  10. Harlequins

    Fry Setup!

    Looking good,glad you've upgraded,you'll see the difference :good:
  11. Harlequins

    Causes Of Fin Rot?

    What are your readings? Poor water quality/overcrowding/overfeeding/moving or handling fish can cause stress which may lead to fin rot...
  12. Harlequins

    How Many Sterbai In 240L Tank For Breeding?

    More sterbai's the better :) Plants are good for egg laying,especially broad leaf plants etc... Whats your temp? i know sterb's prefer higher temps,but drop it down to around 24 degrees,daily feeding of bloodworm and cold water changes and await their response :good: If they look active/lots...
  13. Harlequins

    Attempting To Breed My Metae Corys...

    Hopefully they'll get the knack of it all :lol:
  14. Harlequins

    Tank Of The Month Voting Sept 2011

    Voted here,yep theres a worthy winner,and i'm dead jealous of their tank. :lol:
  15. Harlequins

    Attempting To Breed My Metae Corys...

    Thanks :) I think a couple of the eggs are infertile,possible due to them being first timers :rolleyes: They were at it again this morning,found 2 more eggs... Looks like they're doing it slowly :lol:
  16. Harlequins

    First Day Eggs

    where have you moved all your fish too??
  17. Harlequins

    I.d Please

    The white panda hasn't any markings,all white body with black iris' Never heard of a panu... They may colour up more when settled. :good: Definately not.......
  18. Harlequins

    Attempting To Breed My Metae Corys...

    Yah we have eggs only 4 found,but its a start :hyper:
  19. Harlequins

    Habrosus Spawn!

    Its the film that builds up on the bottom that can lead to bacterial infections when not using sand, clean the bottom over with a bit of sponge to keep in clean.
  20. Harlequins

    Sterbai Spawn

    Fab news :good: I'm trying to get my metae's to breed,but personally think they're a little young atm...
  21. Harlequins

    Panda Fry Log

    Thanks ladies :)
  22. Harlequins

    Attempting To Breed My Metae Corys...

    Thanks all :good: No activity yet,another w/c & bloodworm coming up later :rolleyes: :lol:
  23. Harlequins

    Bronze Eggs, Now What?

    Doing good :good: Any pics :)
  24. Harlequins

    Cory Eggs

    Its possibly the eggs are infertile,but usual reason for eggs not hatching is poor circulation around the eggs,use of an airstone flowing over the eggs is good,and temp too high...
  25. Harlequins

    Habrosus Spawn!

    Too cute :) The red belly is the bbs food :good: I would advise adding sand all over the bottom to stop bacterial infection build up,which fry can die from...
  26. Harlequins

    Panda Fry Log

    Here's some updated pics of the panda's,sadly i lost the smallest one last week,but the other 7 are thriving and getting bigger,i intend on keeping the 2 in the main tank,but will probably sell the other 5...
  27. Harlequins

    Attempting To Breed My Metae Corys...

    Well i've had the 6 Metae's (Bandit) corys for a month or so now,they've grown & filled out,so i'm attempting to see if they'll spawn. I've read they can be hard to breed in an aquarium set up,so can only but try. :good: Still unsure whether they are old enough :unsure: Temp 23-24...
  28. Harlequins

    Panda Fry Log

    Hi Jayne ,good to see you back :) , the golds did spawn but the fry didn't make it :no: - i do hope to breed them again in the future :)
  29. Harlequins

    Bronze Eggs, Now What?

    Congrats on them spawning :good: Has long has theres a good airflow around the eggs they should do fine,wait for around 3-4 days and hopefully they should start a hatching :nod: Good luck :good:
  30. Harlequins

    Picky Cories..

    What food have you tried them with so far? Mine adore tetramin prima granules/mini granules amongst many other things :rolleyes: I have a few corys that aren't overly bothered with algae wafers,but will eat anything else. It might be better asking the lfs what they were feeding them on...
  31. Harlequins

    Panda Fry Log

    Have you asked whether your local lfs can get them in? Otherwise try the internet,ebay,trimar aquatics,rare aquatics may have to put a separate thread up asking peeps that live around your area :good:
  32. Harlequins

    Cories On Sand Or Gravel?

    I personally wont use gravel with corys,has mentioned the way the corys behave in sand has opposed to gravel is second to none,mine plough nose down and shuffle the sand around before sifting it through their gills :nod: Plus very amusing to watch :lol:
  33. Harlequins

    Habrosus Spawn!

    Wayhay :hyper: congrats - yep habrosus are even tinier than normal corys :rolleyes: :lol: Try adding a little sand to the tank,otherwise you'll get a build up on the bottom causing bacterial infections in the wee fry... If you can't get any fry food,then try finely crushed flakes that...
  34. Harlequins

    Eheim, Fluval Or Tetratec External Filter

    I wouldn't advise it,its easier to pop the end off to get any trapped air out through the spraybar,especially after a filter clean,otherwise bubbles stays in the spraybar...just my opinion :)
  35. Harlequins

    Any Advice?

    Personally i wouldn't keep goldies & corys in the same tank,goldies being cold bloodied wont help by putting a heater in for the corys,has the goldies will then get stressed.. Goldies are major poo machines and wee cories being bottom dwellers may pick up infections if the bottom isn't kept...
  36. Harlequins

    Any Advice?

    Not necessarily...they get bad reviews due to untrained staff and wanting higher profit margins...but i've known local lfs being just has bad has a chain like you mentioned.
  37. Harlequins

    Habrosus Spawn!

    I use a catching net with an airstone underneath to hatch any eggs :good: Give them another day or so,all eggs can vary dependant on tank temperature etc,fungus eggs is common especially if infertile,just remove them when spotted.
  38. Harlequins

    Breeding Cory's

    Have you any decor in there?
  39. Harlequins

    This Forum Has Alot To Answer For!

    Clown loaches shoal would look awesome in there :good:
  40. Harlequins

    Eheim, Fluval Or Tetratec External Filter

    TT externals are fab,i have 3 of them,one being a 1200 :good: Has said lots of media,the bottom tray is ceramic rings and a sponge,next one is i think is 2 more sponges,then bio balls,last & top basket holds another sponge,carbon bag & the filter floss. All the media incl the...