Corys Started Dying Again


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2011
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Well here we are again. About a couple of months ago I had problems keeping peppered corys. They would become lethargic and unable to swim straight (as if something was wrong with the swim bladder) and then curl up and die upside down. I was advised that it was probably the temperature of my tank (being that my water parameters were fine). It was at 82 F. I cooled down the tank with bagged ice and did more water changes and finally they stopped dying. Problem solved? No! About 2 weeks ago I had one die the same way, than another yesterday, and another today. I am down to 2 corys. I now know that this was not a temperature issue being that my tank has cooled down over the past few weeks ( currently 72F).

This is a 20 gallon tank with 2 swordtails, 2 ottos, 4 gold barbs, 9 neons, and now only 2 peppered corys. It is medium planted and i change out 20% - 25% of the water per week.


PH - 7.3
Ammonia - 0 ppm
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Nitrate - 30 ppm

All of my other fish are Thriving.

The only thing i can think of is that this is some kind of cory virus or disease that is wiping them out. Other than that I cant call it. I am having a hard time on google finding this. Any ideas of similar experiences? I really love corys (especially the peppered, full of personality) and they are the only reason I still have my 20 gallon tank. They are becoming difficult to keep now. arrrrrrgggghhhh! If interested you can read my original thread from a couple of months ago here thanks.
What temperature do you keep your tank at?

Hmmm just read the linked thread. Temp could still be an issue for you. Might be worth looking at corys that can handle higher temps if you can't keep the tank cooler. Trilis and Sterbai come to mind.

Up your water changes to 50% weekly and use cold water for the change.

Also, I assume these corys all came from the same place at the same time. You cannot rule out old age (if they are fully grown at purchase you have no idea how old they are) or as you say some undiagnosed disease whether it be from a pathogen or genetic.
Its possible it could still temp related,the high temps after a while shortens the life of corys and they may eventually die has a result of it.

Corys tend to show signs of redness on the bodies,which is may be noticeable with bacterial infection around the gills/underside areas...

Sorry for your loss :sad:
Sorry for your loss. :( It's very troublesome when you lose fish and have no idea why...

Unfortunately I don't have any words of advice but I hope you find an answer.

Maybe remove all the cories you have now and bring them back to lfs. Keep your tank cory free for a month or so with good w/c every week and then get a new batch of cories from a different store? This might help if it's a mysterious cory disease...
^^^^^That is what i am thinking. Only to keep it cory free for a few months.
82F Is way to hot for most Corys. I would imagine the others dying off is a direct result of being at the temp for a prolonged period of time. Keeping fish at a temp higher than recommend speeds up their metoblism, ultimately shortening their lifespan. Even if you turn it down, the damage is likely already done and the others will have had their lifespans shortened already, hence still dying off.
Hey, everybody, the OP said the current temp for the tank is 72, which wouldn't be a problem for them. And there's only 2 left.

I agree that long-term temps of 82 likely shortened the lifespan, but it almost sounds like something else at work here. Anyone else have theories?
Were these Peppered wild caught, or captive bred?

Like others, I'm still inclined to think temperature has taken its toll... Even though the temp has been dropped from 82F to 72F, Peppered should be spending most of the year between 60 and 68F, they really need cool conditions (especially the wild caught specimens).

In your situation I would be inclined to sell or give away the remaining Peppered and buy a group of versitile catfish like Emerald Brochis (happy from 72F to 82F, but try to keep to low end of scale most of year).
it wasnt hot for very long. most of the time it was around 78-80. There was a heatwave which pushed it up to 82 for a day. I have to get new thermometers. I have those common ones with the suction cups that are very small and hard to read. I think this is a virus though. when the tank started cooling and everything was fine. About a month later, I added some more corys. They died too. It might be a virus form the cory tank at petsmart. I was there yesterday and did not see any dead in the tank, but that is the only thing i can think of. Im not sure if they are wild caught or not. Some were young, which makes me think they came from breeders. Thanks.

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