Search results

  1. Westwood

    Juwell Lido 120

    Nice tank! Great tanks are the Lido 120s! Do you have the T5 lighting? Westwood
  2. Westwood

    6 Foot Mainly Cichlid Tank

    I would possibly up the amount of Corys as there is so much floor space they will love it! Westwood
  3. Westwood

    Firemouth Fry!

    Got a video for all of you all. Hope you enjoy it: Here is another picture of the Male as they are getting ready to spawn, hopefully I can get a video for you when they do. sorry for the stuff in the water, had just feed them! Mucky devils! :hey: Westwood
  4. Westwood

    Planted Juwel Rekord 800

    Great tank! Get it in TTOM I am sure it would win! Westwood
  5. Westwood

    Its Snowing!

    Been snowing all day here and still only about 1" deep. Westwood
  6. Westwood

    Chances Of Fry?

    They are livebearers, they are like rabbits, so I would say for certain you will get fry. Westwood
  7. Westwood

    New To The Fish World

    Hi, :hi: to the forum! Westwood
  8. Westwood

    6 Foot Tank Stocking Ideas

    Sound like a beautiful tank! This is very close to my dream tank, so make sure you keep us updated on its progress! Westwood
  9. Westwood

    Chat Room & Other Improvements

    Maby a shout out box on the homepage, but it may fall victim to trolls. :S I do agree the chat room on here is a bit rubbish! Westwood
  10. Westwood

    Firemouth Fry!

    First of all sorry to all have not had much time to be on the forum recently, but should be ok now. Firemouths are very difficult to sex, I find females are smaller than male and some times have less colour. But there is no easy way to tell. Deffinalty get some they are great fish to keep...
  11. Westwood

    Error Code

    You need 10 posts to use the messaging system. Westwood
  12. Westwood

    Tank Lighting

    Yes will be fine most tanks are like it. Westwood
  13. Westwood

    Your Preferred Way To Celebrating Your Birthday

    My 18th was only the other day, and I do not remember much. But I think I had a good time. :lol: Westwood
  14. Westwood

    Freshwater Vs Marine

    I think a well done Planted setup can look just as good as a marine tank. Westwood
  15. Westwood

    Im New

    Hi, :hi: to the forum! Westwood
  16. Westwood


    Hi, :hi: to the forum! Westwood
  17. Westwood

    Fluval Edge :)

    Nice. I like the black sand, I have just changed to it! Westwood
  18. Westwood

    The Infinity Tank Project

    Looks good! Westwood
  19. Westwood

    Pics Of New Ram Pair.

    I have got some German blue rams. Great fish! Westwood
  20. Westwood

    Recycling Broken Fluval Edge!

    Great tutorial! Looks Great! Hope not to ever break my Fluval edge but if I do, I know what to do! Westwood
  21. Westwood

    More On The Way... Omg :)

    You better leave all that courgette in then! Westwood!
  22. Westwood

    Hi All

    Hi, :hi: to the forum. Westwood
  23. Westwood

    January 2012 Pet Of The Month Voting Poll.

    So hard deciding between Ellie sue and Baxter! Great entries everyone! Westwood
  24. Westwood

    Tank Suggestions

    Go second hand, I got my tank Second hand and you save so much. Have a loo in the classifieds and/or on ebay! With Clown Loaches I think your going to be looking at a 4 footer. Westwood
  25. Westwood

    Bristlenose Fry Feeding :)

    I had one lot of fry, so im not expert. :lol: But I have had fry. Westwood
  26. Westwood

    Firemouth Fry!

    Quick update for you. They are growing well and are starting to colour up, all have black spots on there bodies and few of the biggest are getting red on there fins and gills! Westwood
  27. Westwood


  28. Westwood

    Bristlenose Fry Feeding :)

    Great!Keep us updated! Westwood
  29. Westwood


    I keep mine in 120 Litres, but it is on the small side, but have no problems. Westwood
  30. Westwood

    I Was Once A Marine Tank....

    You can do half and half, but it may still will mix. Westwood
  31. Westwood

    Whats All The Fuss About?

    Love it! Westwood
  32. Westwood

    Filter Position In The Tank

    Place it so the outlet agitates the surface of the water. This allows for gas exchange to happen. Westwood
  33. Westwood

    Bristlenose Fry Feeding :)

    I remember when I had some Bristlenose fry. Best part is when they are all huddled up with there dad a few days after hatching! They have got allot to eat there ! Westwood
  34. Westwood

    Hello From Cornwall.

    hi,:hi: to the forum! Westwood
  35. Westwood

    Extension Cords?

    Extension cords are fine for fish equipment, as they draw so little power. :good: I am sure everyone uses one! Westwood
  36. Westwood

    Should You Say Something?

    My LFS is good with advice, but some of the customers in there are bad. Today I heard a woman say to one of her many children, 'We cor av any more of them, cus they am just et'. (brummy by the way) In the end she had some more, but I wouldn't have liked to argue with her. :crazy:
  37. Westwood

    Happy Birthday! - Mattlee!

    Happy Birthday! Have a good one! Westwood
  38. Westwood

    Peat Filtration ?

    I think it is just like any other media you use in your filter. Neon tetras already have a wide PH range (5-7), So if you are in this range I wouldn't bother messing with PH. I think it also changes the hardness of your water, but I know nothing about this. :S Hopefully someone will clarify...
  39. Westwood


    This will be interesting! Keep us updated! How high is your PH?! Westwood
  40. Westwood

    Peat Filtration ?

    Peat lowers your PH so it is suitable for a different range of fish! :good: Westwood