Your Preferred Way To Celebrating Your Birthday


Jul 28, 2011
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It's a special year and you want to have a blast. What would you do :D
Spent my 18th in America was fun but couldnt drink alcohol..Had my 21st in Cuba=Very good time!

nowadays im happy with some beers and a movie :hyper:
My 18th was only the other day, and I do not remember much. But I think I had a good time. :lol:

Go on a hot air balloon ride! With someone special! I loved it and would do it again! :hyper:

But I would think "having a blast" means different things to different people. Financial situation, age, interests and location (weather) all have an influence on that!
I don't remember much about either my 18th or 21st.
I do remember Noel Edmonds being there as there are pics, the rest is a blur lol
For my next "big" birthday, I'd like to spend it with my extended family, nothing flash, just a nice meal & a few drinks & plenty of laughter
It's my 21st next month. I'm not one for parties so I'll probably watch a film and eat some chinese food :) But the weekend, I'm going to see Rammstein :D
my 28th on the 22nd feb im happy just watching a film and having a few can's :) plus its on a wednesday aswell
A chicken madras, pilau rice and an onion bhaji. Maybe if it's a big birthday, I might have some garlic naan as well.
For once after turning 17 I would like to have a birthday were my parents would set aside their differences and not argue, and just go camping with just my twin one last time before he goes off to college without his girlfriend and without IT RAININ AND IT BEING 100 DEGREES!!!

But that will never happen with my family -_-

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