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  1. noobgamers

    Identify This Catfish!

    awwwwwwwwwww cute dont know what fish it is though
  2. noobgamers

    Half Real Half Fake Tank

    i think youre problem is lighting more than anithing but you could try vallis elodea crypts and maybe some types of java fern
  3. noobgamers

    Amazon Biotape Help

    i agree with fish herder maybe swap out the rummy noses with a top dweller hatchetfish come to mind as thye are from the amazon and are top dwelling but if you decide to go ahead you will have lots of territorial aggresion
  4. noobgamers

    What To Add To My 200L Tropical Tank

    personaly i would add 3 tiger barbs in there and 3 gold barbs and 3 more corydoras
  5. noobgamers

    Fluval Edge 46L - Newbie...opinions?

    nice tnak wouldnt get any more fish except maybe 2 more of the neons or guppies love the aquascape btw
  6. noobgamers

    Possibly Getting A 30 Gallon

    i thinkg ourami would work as a centrepiece a shoal of 8 harlequins would do well with a group of 8 corydoras exc emerald and dwarf emerald would get too big and dwarf you could have about twelve a gourami owuld work dwarf opaline red or yellow honey although i wopuld research this more as i am...
  7. noobgamers

    Tank Overhaul Ideas

    rehoming the tetra is a must a local fish shop will most likely take him just phone up first bcause you may be turned away as for fish a shoal of 6 guppys endlers guppys celestial pearl danios would do or you could have 1 betta or dwarf gourami and nothing else or you could have a shrimp tank...
  8. noobgamers

    My Dysfunctional Community Tank

    sweet community i like dory and the clown loach
  9. noobgamers

    29 Gallon Plant Advice

    acorsing to what ive read 25 degrees isnt too low and i know the issues with mollies breeding and balloon molly health issues the corys are 2 groups of three from of a  smaller tank so what numbers would you recomend increasing these too if the rams wouldnt suit i do have a red tail shark that...
  10. noobgamers

    29 Gallon Plant Advice

    hey me gain just asking for advise on the plants in my upcoming 29 gallon aquarium the lighting is going to be 1.5watts per gallon no co2 will be used although i am willing to put lot so ftime into maintenance the fish i ma getting in this tank are 10 flame tetra 4 mollys 4 balloon mollys 2...
  11. noobgamers

    Easy To Look After, Nice Looking Tropical Fish?

    neons are easy just make sure they ar eneons and not cardinals as they can be difficult all livebeares although swordtails are huge if youre willing to pay out a bit bleeding heart tetra can be very nice
  12. noobgamers

    Mah Tanks (Picture Heavyyyyyyy)

    that fish in the second picture is like nice to mmeet you ... handshake
  13. noobgamers

    Tank Ready For More Additions

    the catfish could be cories smaller synos or loaches or maybe bumblebees
  14. noobgamers

    How Can I Make My Fish Tank Look Better

    no i mean i tohught no one was going to read my comment because it is such an old forum srry never ment it that way
  15. noobgamers

    Help With Aquascaping

    hey just asking im doin a 29 gallon aquarium and are trying a mountain style aquascape for those of you who dont know its whrer you make the feect of a mountain in your tank by piling up large pieces of rock and planting it im just asking what plants gravel would look good also i dont know where...
  16. noobgamers

    How Can I Make My Fish Tank Look Better

    no one is gonna read this
  17. noobgamers

    Guppies: From Juvie To Adult.

    my cute alarm just went off here it goes awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  18. noobgamers

    How To Catch A Large Number Of Stickle Backs From A Large Pond

    the only way to mak eit easier is to drain the pond or bait them with fish food and then take em out 1 by 1
  19. noobgamers

    Eu Ban On Fish Keeping! #handsoffmyhobby

    just saying fishkeeping alone across the eu probably equates to 50 million with hundreds of organisations weve got them at minimun 5 to 1
  20. noobgamers

    Eu Ban On Fish Keeping! #handsoffmyhobby

    maybe if they are trying to slowly eliminate the whole thing they might remove soem non eu dog breeds if this goes through
  21. noobgamers

    Do I Still Need To Cycle Aquarium If....

    if you have used established media you should be fine but just stock in very small amounts untill you are sure shoudl be finethough if all is well then stock at normaly
  22. noobgamers

    50 Gallon Tank Stocking?

    i dont think either of those will work with an angel especially cardinals
  23. noobgamers

    Stocking New Tank (Advice)

    yes you can have bottom feeders and a shoal of some sort not neons or cardinals that will only work for a while every story ive heard it works for a while but one morining no tetra and a fat angel disc shaped tetra will be best as they will be less prone to become angel food  for bottom feeders...
  24. noobgamers

    Cross-Breeding Fish.

    so it isnt just a hobby its a duty to nature he he he well others duty i couldnt breed a guppy
  25. noobgamers

    3 Tank Renovation

    hello i am just asking for advice i am going to buy a new tank soon and i am want to do a full move around as the tanks dont look as aesthetically pleasing as i had hoped i am not asking for advice about plants and aquascaping as i believe they already look good for my standards (thats bad for...
  26. noobgamers

    Sand Instead Of Gravel

    i just cheated and put it on top of the old gravel 
  27. noobgamers

    Transparent Film On Wood?

    oh sorry thought it wouldnt be algae
  28. noobgamers

    Fishless Cycle Complete:) Tropical Stocking 46L Ideas?

    maybe 4 endlers and 4 guppys would provide lots of colour but make sure they are all female for gods sake
  29. noobgamers

    Possibly A Silly Question.... But...

    yes as long as it fits  you know socket to socket bracket to bracket
  30. noobgamers

    60 Galon Barb Tank Stocking

    i was considering doing a barb tank soon and was considering the stockings i was thinking 8 gold barbs 8 melon barbs 8 tiger barbs 8 cherry barbs 4 red claw crabs a group of algae eaters was thinking maybe a group of pitull plecos and attempting to breed them but dont know if that would be...
  31. noobgamers

    Question On Cleaning Canister Filter

    yeh any sludge at the bottom or on the edge of the canister you can pour away it dosent affect the media as the current miss treagueard said its pointless to keep it
  32. noobgamers

    55 Gallon Fish Stocking

    i could be starting a 55 gallon aquarium soon and if i did i thought i would try something diiferent so i thought origonally that a turtle and fish tank might work but it turns out that it wont from the advice of 2 people on the froums and a couple of sites ive found   so to start a new it...
  33. noobgamers

    Transparent Film On Wood?

    dont know anithing about spiderwood e.t.c but i am 99% it is not algae mainly because it is transparent and that it wasnt killed by the hot bath
  34. noobgamers

    Fish And Turtles Tank Although May Not Go Through With It

    helklo just askin about turtles and fish being kept together before i start this may not actually happen although i imagine it will in some manner if not in the intended one but here we go i may be getting a 50- 60 gallon tank soon and i wonder if it would be possible to keep turtles with fish...
  35. noobgamers

    Possible Stocking?

    for the small tank a group of 6 cories pygmy or panda are your only real options or you could add another group of 8 fish e.g any bullet tetra guppys endlers or you could have a group of 5 platys for the 55 i would say another 12 medium size fish would fit perfectly basically cherry barbs (other...
  36. noobgamers

    125 Ltr Project

    for stocking i would recomend 2 shoals of 8 5cm fish 1 shoal of bottom feeders and a pleco or ottos and a show fish if you want for the 2 shoals i would recommend cherry barb neon tetra silvertip tetra guppys and platys (onyl males for gods sake dont have a mix of males and females) bottom...
  37. noobgamers

    Molly Just Lying On Ground, Dying?

    i sadly think you may be right
  38. noobgamers

    My 1St Post! My Two Beautiful Tanks!

    awesome roman theme tank wish i could do something like that
  39. noobgamers


    corys will be better as you can have a larger group around 8 corys .8 - 10 rasbora maximum and for the platys 6-8 bn plecos are good but so are bulldog and pitbull