

Fish Crazy
Mar 15, 2013
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I was just thinking about getting a large ,probably 200 litre aquarium. Just planning. I was wondering what would i have for a bottom feeders. I narrowed it down to a shoal of corys or a few hoplo catfish. So which one do you guys think would be better? the hoplos or corys?
Other fish i would probably fish a few platys and a shoal of harlequin rasbora. As well as a small pleco
corys will be better as you can have a larger group around 8 corys .8 - 10 rasbora maximum and for the platys 6-8 bn plecos are good but so are bulldog and pitbull
Havn't had hoplo catfish..or really seen them actually. They look neat! I love my cories so I'll also vote for cories :p
Also agree with BN plecs. They're very cute and come in a variety of colors.
I thought they came in two ninj haha? I like hoplos too but i would think they would take up a majority of your tank space so id go cory cat route. Or a L169 or L204 or L104 pleco, they are all wood eating species though, but still need plant matter or carnivore pellets in their diet.
sawickib said:
I thought they came in two ninj haha? I like hoplos too but i would think they would take up a majority of your tank space so id go cory cat route. Or a L169 or L204 or L104 pleco, they are all wood eating species though, but still need plant matter or carnivore pellets in their diet.
There are regular, albino, leucistic (I think that's what it's called..pale with blue eyes), red, calico.
I have heard of green dragon as well but not sure if that is another color or a different plec altogether, same for peppermint.
You can get them with short or longfins too.
Wow i really like the peppermint bushy nose pleco.
Definitely cories! you can have multiple types in one group, and lots of em at that. Good luck! 
Yeah i think i would go for corys. I love bandit corys

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