50 Gallon Tank Stocking?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2014
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Hi! I am getting a 50 gallon tank very soon and I'm wondering if this stocking is alright? 
tank dimensions: 48 1/4"L x 12 3/4"W x 20"H
filters: Tetra whisper EX70, Tetra Whisper 10-30i
8x Panda Cory
1x peppermint pleco
2x german blue ram
1x angelfish*
6x cherry barbs
2x honey gourami
3x dalmatian molly
*the reason i say only one angelfish is because i actually have one right now in a 20g (way too small, i know, i rescued him from a "friend" of mine) and I'm not sure how he would do with other angels
I'm thinking heavily planted if that is alright for these species? Thanks for any help!
I would skip the cherry barbs and go with smaller tetras.  Rummy nose and cardinal tetras school and look great in a tank.  I have had problems with fin nipping with cherry barbs in the past.  Your angel fish would be happier.
Ryan10 said:
I would skip the cherry barbs and go with smaller tetras.  Rummy nose and cardinal tetras school and look great in a tank.  I have had problems with fin nipping with cherry barbs in the past.  Your angel fish would be happier.
I have heard in the past that my angel might try to eat cardinal tetras, do you have any experience with these two fish? I have been getting a lot of mixed answers, so I'm not sure whether it's worth the risk
Cherry barbs will not get much bigger than the cardinal tetras, so there is not any point of going for smaller tetras.
I have never had any problems but it could happen.   A school of rasbora might work better.  Angel fish can be tricky being cichlids and all. 
haleem8777 said:
Cherry barbs will not get much bigger than the cardinal tetras, so there is not any point of going for smaller tetras.
are you suggesting that i stay with the cherry barb idea, instead of considering tetras, or drop it all together? 
I think it would make sense to stay with the cherry barb idea as going for tetras will not make any difference But if you want to play it safe you could go for a larger bodied fish like checker barbs, lemon tetra etc
Pretty sure Angels won't eat adult cardinals or cherry barbs, they're too big to fit in their mouths.
Personally I would pass on the mollies to get some more cherry barbs, it always looks nicer to one big shoal rather than a few smaller ones.
Also make sure to get a pair of Gourami's that aren't both male as they'll be aggressive towards each other. Other than that, looking good. :)
I was more worried about the barbs fin nipping the angels.  My friend had some and they would eat the fins of his other fish.
Then you could go for the cardinal tetra as they wont nip the fins of the angelfish
Ryan10 said:
I would skip the cherry barbs and go with smaller tetras.  Rummy nose and cardinal tetras school and look great in a tank.  I have had problems with fin nipping with cherry barbs in the past.  Your angel fish would be happier.
i dont think either of those will work with an angel especially cardinals
Why don't you get more angelfish? They are a social fish and should be kept in groups of 4 or more. If your angelfish is already quite large you may have to grow out your tetras in another tank, but generally anything bigger than a neon tetra will be ok with angels.

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