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  1. Harlequins

    Its Coming!

    Thanks :) Mine will hopefully be for breeding corys....not that i like them or owt... ;) :P :lol: Will probably divide the 4 ft tank into two, one part for rearing fry and t'other side for the grow out, will keep breeding corys in there in between hopefully...well thats the plan :rolleyes...
  2. Harlequins

    Its Coming!

    Good news, heard from APS - tank has been dispatched just waiting for couriers to ring me for a delivery day :good: Can't wait to set up my 5 footer,twice has big volume wise! :hyper: although going be hard work moving everything across... :rolleyes: And more good news i was going to sell...
  3. Harlequins

    Bn's In New Aquarium?

    Now i'm upgrading to a 5 ft tank, i would like to keep a pair of bn's... would a new tank be ok for them? are they easy to sex?? I'm aware otos need algae on the glass etc to keep going,so mine will be going into the breeding tank until the new tank settles...didn't know if this applies to bn's...
  4. Harlequins

    Peaceful Shoaling Fish?

    Thanks :) I have 12 Harlequins already, the very first fish i bought 3 years ago - 9 normal & 3 purple, i like the black variation also :) I've had glow lights & silvertip tetras in the past...
  5. Harlequins

    Hi Newbie Needs Some Help

    Bogwood looks good with plants on , try getting jern fern or anubias these need to be tied onto bogwood instead of in the substrate
  6. Harlequins

    Hi Newbie Needs Some Help

    The gravel will get mixed up with the sand eventually, so i wouldn't leave any gravel in there, has it can still damage the barbels of the corys... Changing to sand is easy, like you said wash play sand well and you shouldn't mess the filter up :good: I would up the corys & tetras if you...
  7. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    I know he's fab - and after all the years of wanting a bigger tank :) Plus got discount code out of PFK mag and ended saving him a further £57 on the tank :) :good:
  8. Harlequins

    Peaceful Shoaling Fish?

    :lol: - i do have purple harlequins... :lol:
  9. Harlequins

    Peaceful Shoaling Fish?

    :lol: sorry - quite hard water ph around 7.8 - 8. wont have tons of plants at mo - only cos i cant keep the darn things alive :rolleyes: although anubias & crypts do very well :lol: Filtration for the time being will be 2 external filters Tetratec ex 700 & ex1200 - i'm replacing the 700 for...
  10. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    My dad is paying for it :P :lol: He wanted to say thanks for looking after him (i'm also his carer) and towards my birthday next month :)
  11. Harlequins

    Peaceful Shoaling Fish?

    I will soon be receiving my new tank :hyper: I would like to add more schooling fish, has the tank is quite high 30" 19 " wide & 5ft long suppose to be 410 litres... Any ideas on peaceful shoaling fish,not too big,that tend to stay mid to higher levels, the tank will probably have most of my...
  12. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Most the cories will be going in there around 60ish cories, theres 12 harlequins and a DG, i'll hope to add more shoaling fish, for mid & upper areas,has the tank is quite tall :) unsure what to get yet though...
  13. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Thats a bargain tank you had ,well done :good: I'm not that lucky, they're either too far away or pricey for secondhand...i'm sick of hunting ebay now :lol: :lol:
  14. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Well after much debating after not getting a 6 footer,i went back to decide which 5 footer to go for the jewel rio 400 at 450 litres or APS 410 litres,(price difference between the 2 is £380 :rolleyes:) opted for the latter in walnut effect... its been ordered,just awaiting to see when they...
  15. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    Thanks all :) Sad news is unable to get the 6ft delivered... haven't heard back from them :sad: , so 5 footer on the cards now...around 410 litres...still an ungrade but not has big as i wanted...
  16. Harlequins

    Corys Going......

    to a new home!!! I'm in the process of ordering a new 6ft tank for them :P :hyper: - so hopefully upgrading in the next week or so from 55 gals to 100 gal tank. That means More Cories!!! :good: :lol:
  17. Harlequins

    Need Some Help Deciding Please!

    Thanks for the help.....
  18. Harlequins

    Need Some Help Deciding Please!

    I did look at ND aquatics, but unsure what lighting fixtures to buy for it,so abandoned the idea...any suggestions??
  19. Harlequins

    Argos Children's Play Sand

    I use argos playsand too ... i found crypts took really well...but the vallis didn't... :rolleyes:
  20. Harlequins

    Need Some Help Deciding Please!

    The upgrade is on the cards ... 5ft tank :good: - which would you go for?? - obviously a difference in price... or does anyone know of a other 5ft tank around 400- 450 litres?? Now i dont know which to go for... the choice is the newer jewel rio 400 - 450 litres, has built in filter around...
  21. Harlequins

    Glass Thickness

    Does anyone know what the glass thickness is on a jewel rio 400 please ? Thanks
  22. Harlequins

    Cory Losses

    Done my weekly w/c and found 2 of my metae' cories had passed away... well gutted :{ I think its more than likely down to the scorching weather we've been having, the tank has been hitting 29/30 degrees all week,even putting bottled iced water in didn't bring it down much... Its just gone...
  23. Harlequins

    Aps 410 Litre Tank...

    Well after hunting all sites i've found a tank i like ... its an All pond solutions one - Does anyone have one of these?? I've read it has a built in filtration, just wondering if this is any good?? - plus i want to add my externals to it...jusr wondering how the back access is for my...
  24. Harlequins

    Upgrading To 450L Tank

    Hi all Well i've decided to upgrade my 55 gal to possibly 450 litre tank, can anyone recommend a good shop online,reasonably priced please? I originally was planning to stick with a 4 ft length,has the main tank is in a 'gap' in the lounge , but now planning a 5ft tank and put it in the...
  25. Harlequins

    True Julii Corydora?

    Thats a Trilineatus - commonly known has a false julii or three line cory. :good:
  26. Harlequins

    How To Breed Cory Habrosus?

    I fed my pygmys defrosted mini bloodworm & baby brine shrimp, with cold water changes that triggered them off :)
  27. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

    lol - its certainly taking its toll - keep positive - sooner or later they will reward you for your efforts :lol:
  28. Harlequins

    Help Id This Cory!

    Thats more than likely a Trilineatus - Three line cory - also known has a false julii, very often mis labelled for a Julli,which has different patterning and a lot harder to get hold of. :good:
  29. Harlequins

    Lucky Vibes Needed Please

    Thanks all :) Judges came & went, were impressed at display - at least the sun stayed out long enough whilst they were here... so now th wait, Last year i got a Silver Gilt award :), but i won't know until end september how i faired this year... :rolleyes:
  30. Harlequins

    Cory Seems Unwell

    Personally i would opt for sterbai's if you wanted to add more cories, the tri's life expectancy will be shortened by them living in a tank at that temp for long periods of time,whereas sterbais happily live up to 30 degrees...
  31. Harlequins

    Cory Seems Unwell

    What type of cory is it? The ammonia needs to be zero - readings of 0.25ppm is not good... Unless its a sterbai your temperature is far too high for the average cory, which ranges from 22- 25 degrees. Ideally they need more tank mates, corys are social fish and need minimum 6, in that size...
  32. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

    Because of the little volume of water in the pot,and with 9, possible film building up on the bottom that does tend to be the cause of many a cory fry' demise...i would opt to put them in the fry tank :good: What are you feeding them on?
  33. Harlequins

    Lucky Vibes Needed Please

    Thanks :) - Judges will be here soon - ooo errr!! :lol:
  34. Harlequins

    Hi DrRob, not alot around this way, best one but expensive on some things is Maidenhead...

    Hi DrRob, not alot around this way, best one but expensive on some things is Maidenhead Aquatics, in Keynsham garden centre on the by past towards Brislington from Keynsham. Theres also a P@H in Brislington but fish not always tip top...
  35. Harlequins

    Lucky Vibes Needed Please

    Well i've entered the Keynsham in Bloom for the Second year, the plants were looking ok until the rain set in....rain rain rain thats all we've had... Anyhows the judges for the In bloom are coming around tomorrow morning, and i think i'm in need of Lucky vibes to win anything this year, what...
  36. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

    Fab vid :good: Here's my albino's - starting off with a T position, to the female resting a short time - to release the eggs i suppose to spawning at the back of the tank - unfortunately out of shot - the madam :lol:
  37. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

    Its only when you got fry to change the water,no need to do it with the eggs :)
  38. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

  39. Harlequins

    New Cories Today -

    Thanks Inchworm :)
  40. Harlequins

    Trying To Breed My Cories

    Yes unfortunately, it is a rocky road , and very hit n miss to rearing cories, but hopefully you'll get there in the end :)